פרסומי מאמרים אקדמיים של סגל הפקולטה - לפי רבעון משנת 2022

עודכן: 12.12.2024

רבעון יולי - ספטמבר 2024


Title Journal Link
Abraham M, Shalom M, Gold J, Seaton M, Maleski Smith A, Gendreau J, Brandel MG, Ciacci J. Stem Cells in the Treatment of Spinal Cord Injury: A Review of Currently Registered Clinical Trials WORLD NEUROSURGERY LINK
Abu-Abeid A, Litmanovich A, Abu-Abeid S, Eldar SM, Lahat G, Yuval JB. Long-Term Outcomes of Patients with Staple Line Leaks Following Sleeve Gastrectomy OBESITY SURGERY LINK
Abu-Abeid A, Vitiello A, Berardi G, Dayan D, Velotti N, Schiavone V, Franzese A, Musella M. Implementation of updated enhanced recovery after bariatric surgery guidelines: adapted protocol in a single tertiary center Updates in surgery. LINK
Abu-Abeid A, Yuval JB, Keidar A, Nizri E, Lahat G, Eldar SM; ISMBS collaborative group. Technical Considerations in One Anastomosis Gastric Bypass-the Israeli Society of Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Experience OBESITY SURGERY LINK
Achard V, Zilli T, Lamanna G, Jorcano S, Bral S, Rubio C, Oliveira A, Bottero M, Bruynzeel AME, Ibrahimov R, Minn H, Symon Z, Constantin G, Miralbell R. Urethra-Sparing Prostate Cancer Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy: Sexual Function and Radiation Dose to the Penile Bulb, the Crura, and the Internal Pudendal Arteries From a Randomized Phase 2 Trial INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RADIATION ONCOLOGY BIOLOGY PHYSICS LINK
Achiron A, Yahalomi T, Biran A, Levinger E, Cohen E, Elbaz U, Ali A, Mireskandari K, Tuuminen R, Voytsekhivskyy OV. A Comprehensive Evaluation of 16 Old and New Intraocular Lens Power Calculation Formulas in Pediatric Eyes CLINICAL OPHTHALMOLOGY LINK
Alkoby-Meshulam L, Amir J, Lubin D, Klinger G, Guttesman G, Zangen S, Bilavsky E. Congenital cytomegalovirus and pulmonary hypertension Congenital anomalies LINK
Alteber Z, Cojocaru G, Granit RZ, Barbiro I, Wool A, Frenkel M, Novik A, Shuchami A, Liang Y, Carmi VD, Sabath N, Foreman R, Petrenko N, He J, Kliger Y, Levy-Barda A, Eitan R, Raban O, Sadot E, Sulimani O, Nathan AA, Adewoye H, Ferre P, Levine Z, Ophir E. PVRIG is Expressed on Stem-Like T Cells in Dendritic Cell-Rich Niches in Tumors and Its Blockade May Induce Immune Infiltration in Non-Inflamed Tumors Cancer immunology research LINK
Amikam U, Badeghiesh A, Baghlaf H, Brown R, Dahan MH. Transient ischemic attack and pregnancy, delivery and neonatal outcomes-An evaluation of a population database INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GYNECOLOGY & OBSTETRICS LINK
Amir B, Lanciano SB, Rubinshtein R, Nussinovitch U. Autonomic responses in young females with typical vasovagal syncope INTERNAL AND EMERGENCY MEDICINE LINK
Amzallag N, Ashkenazi I, Factor S, Abadi M, Morgan S, Gold A, Snir N, Warschawski Y. Higher rates of intraoperative fractures with compaction broaching compared to conventional broaching during hip hemiarthroplasty for femoral neck fractures ARCHIVES OF ORTHOPAEDIC AND TRAUMA SURGERY LINK
Arnon R, Levinger E, Pikkel J, Yahalomi T, Sela T, Munzer G, Kaiserman I, Mimouni M. Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis in Flat, Normal, and Steep Corneas CORNEA LINK
Asher N, Bar-Hai N, Ben-Betzalel G, Stoff R, Grynberg S, Schachter J, Frommer-Shapira R. Exploring the clinical significance of specific immune-related adverse events in melanoma patients undergoing immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy MELANOMA RESEARCH LINK
Asmar R, Stergiou G, de la Sierra A, Jelaković B, Millasseau S, Topouchian J, Shirai K, Blacher J, Avolio A, Jankowski P, Parati G, Bilo G, Rewiuk K, Mintale I, Rajzer M, Agabiti-Rosei E, Ince C, Postadzhiyan A, Zimlichman R, Struijker-Boudier H, Benetos A, Bäck M, Tasic N, Sirenko Y, Zelveian P, Wang H, Fantin F, Kotovskaya Y, Ezhov M, Kotsis V. Blood pressure measurement and assessment of arterial structure and function: an expert group position paper JOURNAL OF HYPERTENSION LINK
Assouline B, Kahn R, Hodali L, Condiotti R, Engel Y, Elyada E, Mordechai-Heyn T, Pitarresi JR, Atias D, Steinberg E, Bidany-Mizrahi T, Forkosh E, Katz LH, Benny O, Golan T, Hofree M, Stewart SA, Atlan KA, Zamir G, Stanger BZ, Berger M, Ben-Porath I. Senescent cancer-associated fibroblasts in pancreatic adenocarcinoma restrict CD8(+) T cell activation and limit responsiveness to immunotherapy in mice NATURE COMMUNICATIONS LINK
Astman N, Arbel C, Katz O, Barzilai A, Solomon M, Schwartz E. Tolerability and Safety of Miltefosine for the Treatment of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis Tropical medicine and infectious disease LINK
Atar-Vardi M, Dubinsky-Pertzov B, Shemer A, Hecht I, Pras E, Einan-Lifshitz A, Or L. Behavior of biometric parameters during clinical hours Journal français d'ophtalmologie LINK
Atia O, Bryder N, Mendelovici A, Ledderman N, Ben-Tov A, Osooli M, Forss A, Loewenberg Weisband Y, Matz E, Dotan I, Turner D, Olén O. The Epidemiology of Inflammatory Bowel Diseases During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Comparison of Two Nationwide Cohorts JOURNAL OF CROHNS & COLITIS LINK
Attal JH, Lurie I, Neumark Y. Psychosocial health of migrant careworkers from Southeast Asian countries in Israel: A mixed methods study Journal of migration and health. LINK
Averbuch D, Tridello G, Wendel L, Itälä-Remes M, Oren I, Karas M, Blijlevens N, Beguin Y, Broers A, Calore E, Cattaneo C, Isaksson C, Robin C, Gadisseur A, Maertens J, De Becker A, Lueck C, Metafuni E, Pichler H, Popova M, Ram R, Yeshurun M, Mikulska M, Camara R, Styczynski J. Listeria monocytogenes Infections in Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation Recipients: Clinical Manifestations and Risk Factors. A Multinational Retrospective Case-Control Study from the Infectious Diseases Working Party of the European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation Transplantation and cellular therapy. LINK
Aviel G, Elkahal J, Umansky KB, Bueno-Levy H, Petrover Z, Kotlovski Y, Lendengolts D, Kain D, Shalit T, Zhang L, Miyara S, Kramer MP, Merbl Y, Kozlovski S, Alon R, Aharoni R, Arnon R, Mishali D, Katz U, Nachman D, Asleh R, Amir O, Tzahor E, Sarig R. Repurposing of glatiramer acetate to treat cardiac ischemia in rodent models Nature cardiovascular research LINK
Avivi I, Chorin E. Arrhythmogenic foods-An underestimated medical problem? HEART RHYTHM LINK
Avivi I, Szekely Y. Postoperative pain after cardiac implantable electronic device procedures: Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional HEART RHYTHM LINK
Avni-Biron I, Toth E, Ollech JE, Nemeth A, Johansson GW, Schweinstein H, Margalit RY, Kopylov U, Dotan I, Yanai H. The Role of Small-Bowel Capsule Endoscopy in the Diagnostic Algorithm of Complicated Perianal Disease Diagnostics LINK
Avraham SB, Chetrit A, Agay N, Freedman LS, Saliba W, Goldbourt U, Keinan-Boker L, Kalter-Leibovici O, Shahar DR, Kimron L, Dankner R. Methodology and challenges for harmonization of nutritional data from seven historical studies Nutrition journal LINK
Azem K, Novakovsky D, Krasulya B, Fein S, Iluz-Freundlich D, Uhanova J, Kornilov E, Eidelman LA, Kaptzon S, Gorfil D, Aravot D, Barac Y, Aranbitski R. Effect of nitric oxide delivery via cardiopulmonary bypass circuit on postoperative oxygenation in adults undergoing cardiac surgery (NOCARD trial): a randomised controlled trial EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ANAESTHESIOLOGY LINK
Azriel O, Arad G, Tik N, Weiser M, Bloch M, Garber E, Lazarov A, Pine DS, Tavor I, Bar-Haim Y. Neural activation changes following attention bias modification treatment or a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor for social anxiety disorder PSYCHOLOGICAL MEDICINE LINK
Bader M, Li Y, Lecca D, Rubovitch V, Tweedie D, Glotfelty E, Rachmany L, Kim HK, Choi HI, Hoffer BJ, Pick CG, Greig NH, Kim DS. Corrigendum to "Pharmacokinetics and efficacy of PT302, a sustained-release Exenatide formulation, in a murine model of mild traumatic brain injury" [Neurobiology of Disease Volume 124 (2019) 439-453 /YNBDI_4338] NEUROBIOLOGY OF DISEASE LINK
Badertscher P, Knecht S, Rosso R, Krisai P, Spreen D, Katic J, Du Fay de Lavallaz J, Sticherling C, Kühne M. How to perform pulmonary vein isolation using a pentaspline pulsed field ablation system for treatment of atrial fibrillation HEART RHYTHM LINK
Barenboim A, Mercer D, Sahnan K, Gaffan A, Goren O, Halperin S, Brazowski E, Pelles Avraham S, Klausner JM, Lubezky N. The Relationship between Treatment Response and Overall Survival in Borderline, Non-Resectable and Resectable Pancreatic Cancer Patients Treated with Neoadjuvant FOLFIRINOX JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE LINK
Bazarbachi AH, Labopin M, Raiola AM, Blaise D, Arcese W, Santarone S, Koc Y, Bramanti S, Kulagin A, Kwon M, Sica S, Sanz J, Brissot E, Nagler A, Ciceri F, Mohty M. Posttransplant cyclophosphamide versus anti-thymocyte globulin versus combination for graft-versus-host disease prevention in haploidentical transplantation for adult acute myeloid leukemia: A report from the European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation Acute Leukemia Working Party CANCER LINK
Ben Natan M, Abd El Hadi M, Zoubi F. What motivates young Arab Muslim women to choose nursing as a profession: A cross-sectional study INTERNATIONAL NURSING REVIEW LINK
Bensky MJ, Adler L, Banon T, Gabay L, Mintzker Y. Correction: Risk of major osteoporotic fractures among ultra-orthodox Jews OSTEOPOROSIS INTERNATIONAL LINK
Bentley G, Zamir O, Roziner I, Dahabre R, Perry S, Karademas EC, Poikonen-Saksela P, Mazzocco K, Oliveira-Maia AJ, Pat-Horenczyk R. Fear of cancer recurrence in breast cancer: A moderated serial mediation analysis of a prospective international study Health psychology : official journal of the Division of Health Psychology, American Psychological Association. LINK
Berar OV, Abergel E, Ben Simon G, Rosner M, Priel A, Sagiv O, Landau Prat D, Arazi M, Zloto O. Reoperation for congenital ptosis: characteristics, success rates, and predicting factors CANADIAN JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMOLOGY LINK
Bercovich S, Morag R, Sivan B, Ben Meir D. A comparative study between EMG uroflowmetry with and without a catheter in children BMC urology LINK
Berger MM, De Waele E, Gramlich L, Jin J, Pantet O, Pichard C, Roffe AJ, Russell L, Singer P, Wischmeyer PE. How to interpret and apply the results of indirect calorimetry studies: A case-based tutorial Clinical nutrition ESPEN LINK
Berger TD, Fogel Berger C, Gara S, Ben-Zeev B, Weiss B. Nutritional and gastrointestinal manifestations in Rett syndrome: long-term follow-up EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PEDIATRICS LINK
Bergman MT, Zhang W, Liu Y, Jang H, Nussinov R. Binding Modalities and Phase-Specific Regulation of Cyclin/Cyclin-Dependent Kinase Complexes in the Cell Cycle JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B LINK
Berl A, Shir-Az O, Charyev M, Shalom A. Thermal Signature of Pigmented Lesions as Observed by Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging Skinmed LINK
Bettenworth D, Baker ME, Fletcher JG, Jairath V, Lu C, Bemelman W, d'Haens G, d'Hoore A, Dignass A, Dotan I, Feakins R, Fleshner P, Ha C, Henderson G, Lyu R, Panes J, Rogler G, Mao R, Rimola J, Sandborn WJ, Ng SC, Siegmund B, Silverberg M, Taylor SA, Verstockt B, Gordon IO, Bruining DH, Feagan BG, Rieder F; Stenosis Therapy Anti-Fibrotic Research (STAR) Consortium. A global consensus on the definitions, diagnosis and management of fibrostenosing small bowel Crohn's disease in clinical practice Nature Reviews Gastroenterology & Hepatology LINK
Bitar G, Bravo R, Pedroza C, Nazeer S, Chauhan SP, Blackwell S, Sibai BM, Fishel Bartal M. Permissive intrapartum glucose control: an equivalence randomized control trial (PERMIT) AMERICAN JOURNAL OF OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY LINK
Blau-Most M, Tremblay F, La Roche GR. Clinical outcomes of inferior oblique myectomy in age categorized patients with unilateral superior oblique palsy Heliyon LINK
Bluvshtein V, Catz A, Benjamini Y, Refaeli D, Front L, Michaeli D, Bizzarini E, Margalho P, Soeira TP, Kesiktas N, Aidinoff E. Assessment of ability realization using the 4th version of the Spinal Cord Independence Measure JOURNAL OF SPINAL CORD MEDICINE LINK
Boccara O, Mashiah J, Soupre V, Bisdorff-Bresson A, Hadj-Rabia S, Kaltenbach S, Massoni C. Capillary malformation types are a marker of venous malformation severity JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN ACADEMY OF DERMATOLOGY AND VENEREOLOGY LINK
Boyer M, Hui R, Urban D, Clingan P, Su WC, Devaux C, Gadgeel S, Garassino M, Leopold L, Daniel J, Munteanu MC, Samkari A, Luo Y, Abreu DR. Pembrolizumab with platinum-based chemotherapy with or without epacadostat as first-line treatment for metastatic non-small cell lung cancer: a randomized, partially double-blind, placebo-controlled phase II study BMC CANCER LINK
Brown S, Rohrich RJ. Topical Tranexamic Acid in Breast Reconstruction: A Double-Blind Randomized Controlled Trial PLASTIC AND RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY LINK
Brudner Y, Issa A, Sharabi H, Shafat L, Weisz B, Shrim A. The Role of Chorionicity in Placenta-Related Disorders FETAL DIAGNOSIS AND THERAPY LINK
Buaron N, Mangraviti A, Wang Y, Liu A, Pedone M, Sankey E, Adar I, Nyska A, Goldbart R, Traitel T, Brem H, Tyler B, Kost J. Ultrasound inhibits tumor growth and selectively eliminates malignant brain tumor in vivo Bioengineering & translational medicine. LINK
Buchrits S, McNeil R, Avni T, Fredman D, Guz D, Gafter-Gvili A. The Contribution of 18F FDG PET-CT for the Investigation of Fever of Unknown Origin and Inflammation of Unknown Origin AMERICAN JOURNAL OF MEDICINE LINK
Canetti M, Barda N, Lustig Y, Weiss-Ottolenghi Y, Indenbaum V, Peretz Y, Zuckerman N, Asraf K, Amit S, Kreiss Y, Regev-Yochay G. Risk factors and correlates of protection against XBB SARS-CoV-2 infection among health care workers VACCINE LINK
Catz A, Itzkovich M, Rozenblum R, Elkayam K, Kfir A, Tesio L, Chhabra HS, Michaeli D, Zeilig G, Engel-Haber E, Bizzarini E, Pilati C, Stigliano S, Merafina M, Del Popolo G, Righi G, Bonavita J, Baroncini I, Liu N, Xing H, Margalho P, Campos I, Riberto M, Soeira TP, Chandy B, Tharion G, Joshi M, Lemay JF, Laramée MT, Curran D, Leiulfsrud AS, Sørensen L, Biering-Sorensen F, Poder HH, Kesiktas N, Burgess-Collins L, Edwards J, Osman A, Bluvshtein V. A multi-center international study on the spinal cord independence measure, version IV: Rasch psychometric validation JOURNAL OF SPINAL CORD MEDICINE LINK
Chaouat A, Kalechman Y, Hay O, Manoim JE, Lantner T, Niderberg E, Hauschner H, Sredni DK, Cohen T, Schlesinger A, Nadler R, Barda-Saad M, Noy E, Albeck M, Longo DL, Sredni B. Inhibition of α4β1 Integrin Activity by Small Tellurium Compounds Regulates PD-L1 Expression and Enhances Antitumor Effects International journal of biological sciences. LINK
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Choi D, Ben-Horin S. Editorial: Finger in the dam-A clinical trial of long-acting somatostatin for high-output ostomies and fistulas ALIMENTARY PHARMACOLOGY & THERAPEUTICS LINK
Cicin I, Plimack ER, Gurney H, Leibowitz R, Alekseev BY, Parnis FX, Peer A, Necchi A, Bellmunt J, Nishiyama H, Clark J, Munteanu M, Kataria R, Jia C, Powles T, Sternberg CN. Epacadostat plus pembrolizumab versus placebo plus pembrolizumab for advanced urothelial carcinoma: results from the randomized phase III ECHO-303/KEYNOTE-698 study BMC CANCER LINK
Cohen CG, Levy Y, Toscano-Rivero D, Manasherova E, Agmon-Levin N, Kenett RS, Jean-Claude BJ, Mazer BD, Hovav R, Kidon MI. Peanut allergen characterization and allergenicity throughout development Frontiers in allergy LINK
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Cohen S, Meyer A, Ifrach N, Dichtwald S. Physical restraint and associated agitation Nursing in critical care LINK
Cohen SB, Dabi Y, Burke Y, Mamadov N, Manoim N, Mashiach R, Berkowitz E, Bouaziz J, Nicolas-Boluda A, Porpora MG, Ziv-Baran T. Laparoscopic nerve lysis for deep endometriosis improves quality of life and chronic pain levels: A pilot study Journal of gynecology obstetrics and human reproduction. LINK
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Czeiger S, Weissbach T, Zloto K, Wiener A, Nir O, Massarwa A, Weisz B, Bartal MF, Ulman RY, Bart Y, Achiron R, Kivilevitch Z, Mazaki-Tovi S, Kassif E. Umbilical-portal-systemic venous shunt and intrauterine growth restriction: an inquiry from a prospective study AMERICAN JOURNAL OF OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY LINK
da Silva BR, Pagano AP, Kirkham AA, Gonzalez MC, Haykowsky MJ, Joy AA, King K, Singer P, Cereda E, Paterson I, Pituskin E, Thompson R, Prado CM. Evaluating predictive equations for energy requirements throughout breast cancer trajectory: A comparative study CLINICAL NUTRITION LINK
Dabbah S, Ben Yakov G, Kaufmann MI, Cohen-Ezra O, Likhter M, Davidov Y, Ben Ari Z. Predictors of advanced liver fibrosis and the performance of fibrosis scores: lean compared to non-lean metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease (MASLD) patients Minerva gastroenterology LINK
Dagan O, Schonmann Y, Shavit E, Cohen AD, Valdman-Grinshpoun Y, Czarnowicki T. High socioeconomic status is significantly associated with psoriasis: results from a cross-sectional, population-based study of 129,855 patients CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL DERMATOLOGY LINK
Dana E, Arzola C, Khan JS. Prevention of hypotension after induction of general anesthesia using point-of-care ultrasound to guide fluid management: a randomized controlled trial Canadian journal of anaesthesia = Journal canadien d'anesthésie LINK
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Dana E, Dana HK, De Castro C, Bueno Rey L, Li Q, Tomlinson G, Khan JS. Inferior vena cava ultrasound to predict hypotension after general anesthesia induction: a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies Canadian journal of anaesthesia = Journal canadien d'anesthésie LINK
Dankner R, Chetrit A, Avraham SB, Agay N, Kalter-Leibovici O, Goldbourt U, Saliba W, Keinan-Boker L, Shahar D, Freedman LS. A historical cohort study with 27,754 individuals on the association between meat consumption and gastrointestinal tract and colorectal cancer incidence INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CANCER LINK
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Djaldetti M. Immunomodulatory and chemopreventive effects of resveratrol on the digestive system cancers Oncology research LINK
Doenyas-Barak K, Efrati S. Optimizing hyperbaric oxygen therapy for PTSD-The importance of dose and duration for sustained benefits FRONTIERS IN NEUROLOGY LINK
Dotan I, Rudman Y, Turjeman A, Akirov A, Steinmetz T, Calvarysky B, Diker Cohen T. Glucagon-like Peptide 1 Receptor Agonists and Cardiovascular Outcomes in Solid Organ Transplant Recipients With Diabetes Mellitus TRANSPLANTATION LINK
Dovrat S, Shabat A, Yahav-Dovrat A, Soufiev Z, Mendelson E, Kashi-Zagdoun E, Rahav G. Analysis of HSV1/2 Infection Reveals an Association between HSV-2 Reactivation and Pregnancy VIRUSES LINK
Dudkiewicz D, Bismuth EM, Tsur N, Gilony D, Hod R. Perioperative and postoperative management of tympanostomy tube insertion: a survey of otorhinolaryngologists in Israel EUROPEAN ARCHIVES OF OTO-RHINO-LARYNGOLOGY LINK
Dudkiewicz D, Yosefof E, Shpitzer T, Mizrachi A, Yehuda M, Shoffel-Havakuk H, Bachar G. Rethinking Surgical Margins: A New Approach to Predict Outcomes in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma LARYNGOSCOPE LINK
Edalati S, Meyer JS, Aravot D, Barac YD. Vagal nerve stimulation potential therapeutic benefits in acute lung rejection and transplantation Transplant immunology LINK
Efrima B, Barbero A, Benady A, Halimi YG, Lichtenstein A, Indino C, Maccario C, Usuelli FG. Total Ankle Arthroplasty as a Correction Tool for Foot Deformities: Analyzing the Impact on Medial Column Alignment Adaptation Through Weightbearing Computed Tomography FOOT & ANKLE INTERNATIONAL LINK
Elbaz M, Moshkovits I, Bar-On T, Goder N, Lichter Y, Ben-Ami R. Clinical prediction model for bacterial co-infection in hospitalized COVID-19 patients during four waves of the pandemic Microbiology spectrum LINK
Elhasid R, Baron S, Fidel V, Kaganov K, Shukrun R. Altered neutrophil extracellular traps formation among medical residents with sleep deprivation Heliyon LINK
Eliashar R, Zilberstein T, Shmulewitz D, Skvirsky V, Vider M, Lev-Ran S. Reported Increase in Substance Use Following Mass Terrorism and the Role of Psychosocial Factors JAMA network open LINK
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Yin Q, Wolkerstorfer A, Lapid O, Qayumi K, Alam M, Al-Niaimi F, Artzi O, van Doorn MBA, Goutos I, Haedersdal M, Hsu CK, Manuskiatti W, Monstrey S, Mustoe TA, Ogawa R, Ozog D, Park TH, Pötschke J, Rossi A, Tan ST, Téot L, Wood FM, Yu N, Gibbs S, Niessen FB, van Zuijlen PPM. KECORT Study: An International e-Delphi Study on the Treatment of KEloids Using Intralesional CORTicosteroids in Clinical Practice AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL DERMATOLOGY LINK
Yoon JY, Katcher E, Cohen E, Ward SC, Rouphael C, Itzkowitz SH, Wang CP, Kim MK, Shah SC. Endoscopic Surveillance of Gastric Intestinal Metaplasia: A Retrospective Cohort Study JOURNAL OF CLINICAL GASTROENTEROLOGY LINK
Youngster M, Moran E, Luz A, Reuvenny S, Hourvitz R, Bashi TB, Baum M, Maman E, Hourvitz A. Intrauterine insemination timing models-LH can only take you so far JOURNAL OF ASSISTED REPRODUCTION AND GENETICS LINK
Youngster M, Shvaikovsky M, Avraham S, Strassburger D, Kasterstein E, Maslansky B, Gat I, Yerushalmi G, Gidoni Y, Hourvitz A, Kedem A. Day 3 embryo assessment does not provide a reliable prediction for blastocyst formation and designation: a retrospective cohort study Zygote : the biology of gametes and early embryos LINK
Zak H, Rozenfeld E, Levi M, Deng P, Gorelick D, Pozeilov H, Israel S, Paas Y, Paas Y, Li JB, Parnas M, Shohat-Ophir G. A highly conserved A-to-I RNA editing event within the glutamate-gated chloride channel GluClα is necessary for olfactory-based behaviors in Drosophila SCIENCE ADVANCES LINK
Zehorai E, Gross Lev T, Shimshoni E, Hadas R, Adir I, Golani O, Molodij G, Eitan R, Kadler KE, Kollet O, Neeman M, Dekel N, Solomonov I, Sagi I. Enhancing uterine receptivity for embryo implantation through controlled collagenase intervention Life science alliance. LINK
Zhang L, Elkahal J, Wang T, Rimmer R, Genzelinakh A, Bassat E, Wang J, Perez D, Kain D, Lendengolts D, Winkler R, Bueno-Levy H, Umansky KB, Mishaly D, Shakked A, Miyara S, Sarusi-Portuguez A, Goldfinger N, Prior A, Morgenstern D, Levin Y, Addadi Y, Li B, Rotter V, Katz U, Tanaka EM, Krizhanovsky V, Sarig R, Tzahor E. Egr1 regulates regenerative senescence and cardiac repair Nature cardiovascular research LINK
Zhang W, Liu Y, Jang H, Nussinov R. Slower CDK4 and faster CDK2 activation in the cell cycle STRUCTURE LINK
Zuckerman NS, Bucris E, Morad-Eliyahu H, Weiss L, Vasserman R, Fratty IS, Aguvaev I, Cohen-Said Z, Matar R, Erster O, Shulman LM, Yishai R, Hecht-Sagie L, Alroy-Preis S, Mendelson E, Lustig Y, Sofer D, Bar-Or I, Weil M. Environmental surveillance of a circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus type 2 outbreak in Israel between 2022 and 2023: a genomic epidemiology study The Lancet. Microbe. LINK
Zusman N, Koton S, Tabak N, Kienski Woloski Wruble AC. The mediating role of nurses' attitude towards reporting child abuse and neglect JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC NURSING-NURSING CARE OF CHILDREN & FAMILIES LINK







































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































רבעון אפריל - יוני 2024



Title Journal Link
Aber RN, Grossman LA, Berger AJ, Price AE, Alfonso I, Grossman JAI. Long-Term Hand and Shoulder Function in Children following Early Surgical Intervention for a Birth-Related Upper Brachial Plexus Injury Journal of brachial plexus and peripheral nerve injury. LINK
Abraham A, Bril V. Electrophysiological grading scale for polyneuropathy severity PLOS ONE LINK
Abu Shtaya A, Orenstein N, Bazak L, Lidzbarsky G, Kalis ML, Amarilyo G, Sofrin-Drucker E, Jaron R, Shahar NR, Gilad NK, Basel-Salmon L. High frequency of MEFV disease-causing variants in children with very-early-onset inflammatory bowel disease PEDIATRIC RESEARCH LINK
Abu-Abeid A, Shoham G, Keidar A. Conversion of One Anastomosis Gastric Bypass to Single Anastomosis Duodeno-Ileal Bypass with Sleeve Gastrectomy OBESITY SURGERY LINK
Abu-Abeid A, Yuval JB, Keidar A, Nizri E, Lahat G, Eldar SM; ISMBS collaborative group. Technical Considerations in One Anastomosis Gastric Bypass-the Israeli Society of Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Experience OBESITY SURGERY LINK
Abu-Abeid A, Gosher N, Shnell M, Fishman S, Keidar A, Lahat G, Eldar SM. Revision of restrictive bariatric procedures in elderly patients: results at a 5-year follow-up Updates in surgery. LINK
Abu-Abeid A, Litmanovich A, Abu-Abeid S, Eldar SM, Lahat G, Yuval JB. Long-Term Outcomes of Patients with Staple Line Leaks Following Sleeve Gastrectomy OBESITY SURGERY LINK
Abu-Abeid A, Litmanovich A, Yuval JB, Tome J, Keidar A, Eldar SM. Marginal Ulcer Perforation after One Anastomosis Gastric Bypass: Surgical Treatment and Two-Year Outcomes JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE LINK
Abumanhal M, Leibovitch I, Zisapel M, Eviatar T, Edel Y, Ben Cnaan R. Ocular and orbital manifestations in VEXAS syndrome EYE LINK
Achiron R, Har-Toov J, Kivilevitch Z. Type-I umbilical-systemic shunt with abnormal connection to azygos vein in fetus with de-novo TBX5 mutation related to Holt-Oram syndrome ULTRASOUND IN OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY LINK
Adamopoulos S, Bonios M, Ben Gal T, Gustafsson F, Abdelhamid M, Adamo M, Bayes-Genis A, Böhm M, Chioncel O, Cohen-Solal A, Damman K, Di Nora C, Hashmani S, Hill L, Jaarsma T, Jankowska E, Lopatin Y, Masetti M, Mehra MR, Milicic D, Moura B, Mullens W, Nalbantgil S, Panagiotou C, Piepoli M, Rakisheva A, Ristic A, Rivinius R, Savarese G, Thum T, Tocchetti CG, Tops LF, Van Laake LW, Volterrani M, Seferovic P, Coats A, Metra M, Rosano G. Right heart failure with left ventricular assist devices: Preoperative, perioperative and postoperative management strategies. A clinical consensus statement of the Heart Failure Association (HFA) of the ESC European journal of heart failure LINK
Akdam A, Van Mil L, Tzur Y, Laskov I, Grisaru D, Schejter E, Michaan N. Human Papilloma Virus Typing as a Triage Tool for Women with Postcoital Bleeding: A Retrospective Cohort Study JOURNAL OF WOMENS HEALTH LINK
Al Rawi S, Simpson L, Agnarsdóttir G, McDonald NQ, Chernuha V, Elpeleg O, Zeviani M, Barker RA, Spiegel R, Laman H. Study of an FBXO7 patient mutation reveals Fbxo7 and PI31 co-regulate proteasomes and mitochondria FEBS JOURNAL LINK
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Wittmann Dayagi T, Nirel R, Avrahami G, Amar S, Elitzur S, Fisher S, Gilead G, Gilad O, Goldberg T, Izraeli S, Kadmon G, Kaplan E, Krauss A, Michaeli O, Stein J, Steinberg-Shemer O, Tamary H, Tausky O, Toledano H, Weissbach A, Yacobovich J, Yanir AD, Zon J, Nahum E, Barzilai-Birenboim S. A Need for a Novel Survival Risk Scoring System for Intensive Care Admissions Due to Sepsis in Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Patients JOURNAL OF INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE LINK
Wlodarski MW, Vlachos A, Farrar JE, Da Costa LM, Kattamis A, Dianzani I, Belendez C, Unal S, Tamary H, Pasauliene R, Pospisilova D, de la Fuente J, Iskander D, Wolfe L, Liu JM, Shimamura A, Albrecht K, Lausen B, Bechensteen AG, Tedgard U, Puzik A, Quarello P, Ramenghi U, Bartels M, Hengartner H, Farah RA, Al Saleh M, Hamidieh AA, Yang W, Ito E, Kook H, Ovsyannikova G, Kager L, Gleizes PE, Dalle JH, Strahm B, Niemeyer CM, Lipton JM, Leblanc TM; international Diamond-Blackfan anaemia syndrome guideline panel. Diagnosis, treatment, and surveillance of Diamond-Blackfan anaemia syndrome: international consensus statement Lancet Haematology LINK
Wolach B, Gavrieli R, Wolach O, Salamon P Mrs, Boer M, van Leeuwen K, Abuzaitoun O, Broides A, Gottesman G, Grisaru-Soen G, Hagin D, Marcus N, Rottem M, Schlesinger Y, Stauber T, Stepensky P, Schejter Y, Zeeli T, Hanna S, Etzioni A, Frizinsky S, Somech R, Roos D, Lachover Roth I. Genotype-Phenotype Correlations in Chronic Granulomatous Disease: Insights From a Large National Cohort BLOOD LINK
Wygnanski-Jaffe T, Moshkovitz A, Kushner BJ, Belkin M, Yehezkel O; CureSight Pivotal Trial Group. Binocular Home Treatment for Amblyopia: Gains Stable for One Year AMERICAN JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMOLOGY LINK
Yanai Milshtein N, Pres S, Derowe A, Rimon A. Diagnosis of Fever Source Following Tonsillectomy and Adenoidectomy in the Pediatric Emergency Department PEDIATRIC EMERGENCY CARE LINK
Yang HY, Leahy BD, Jang WD, Wei D, Kalma Y, Rahav R, Carmon A, Kopel R, Azem F, Venturas M, Kelleher CP, Cam L, Pfister H, Needleman DJ, Ben-Yosef D. BlastAssist: a deep learning pipeline to measure interpretable features of human embryos HUMAN REPRODUCTION LINK
Yariv O, Amitai N, Nachalon Y, Moore A, Popovtzer A. Outcome of radiotherapy for the treatment of laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma in the very elderly population JOURNAL OF LARYNGOLOGY AND OTOLOGY LINK
Yasrab R, Zhao H, Fu Z, Drukker L, Papageorghiou AT, Noble JA. Automating the Human Action of First-Trimester Biometry Measurement from Real-World Freehand Ultrasound ULTRASOUND IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY LINK
Yerushalmi R, Pomerantz A, Lewin R, Paluch-Shimon S, Soussan-Gutman L, Baehner FL, Voet H, Bareket-Samish A, Kedar I, Goldberg Y, Peretz-Yablonski T, Kadouri L. BRCA1/2 mutation carriers vs the general breast cancer population (N = 799,986): 21-gene assay-based molecular characterization BREAST CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT LINK
Youngster M, Maman O, Kedem A, Avraham S, Rabbi ML, Gat I, Yerushalmi G, Baum M, Hourvitz A, Maman E. The effect of COVID-19 vaccination during IVF stimulation on cycle outcomes- a retrospective cohort study Journal of reproductive immunology. LINK
Youngster M, Moran E, Luz A, Reuvenny S, Hourvitz R, Bashi TB, Baum M, Maman E, Hourvitz A. Intrauterine insemination timing models-LH can only take you so far JOURNAL OF ASSISTED REPRODUCTION AND GENETICS LINK
Zhang W, Liu Y, Jang H, Nussinov R. Slower CDK4 and faster CDK2 activation in the cell cycle STRUCTURE LINK
Zhang W, Liu Y, Jang H, Nussinov R. CDK2 and CDK4: Cell Cycle Functions Evolve Distinct, Catalysis-Competent Conformations, Offering Drug Targets JACS Au. LINK
Zloto O, Alcalay I, Klain B, Ben Simon G. The Long-Term Effect on Dry Eye of Posterior Approach Ptosis Surgery Vs. Upper Eyelid Blepharoplasty CURRENT EYE RESEARCH LINK
Zmora O, Fleshner P, Barie PS, Segev L, Viola GM, Senagore AJ, Spinelli A, Belotserkovsky O, Sharoni S, Emanuel N; SHIELD 1 Investigators. Effect of local prolonged-release incisional doxycycline on surgical site infection prophylaxis in abdominal colorectal surgery: The SHIELD 1 randomized clinical trial INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SURGERY LINK
Zogopoulos G, Haimi I, Sanoba SA, Everett JN, Wang Y, Katona BW, Farrell JJ, Grossberg AJ, Paiella S, Klute KA, Bi Y, Wallace MB, Kwon RS, Stoffel EM, Wadlow RC, Sussman DA, Merchant NB, Permuth JB, Golan T, Raitses-Gurevich M, Lowy AM, Liau J, Jeter JM, Lindberg JM, Chung DC, Earl J, Brentnall TA, Schrader KA, Kaul V, Huang C, Chandarana H, Smerdon C, Graff JJ, Kastrinos F, Kupfer SS, Lucas AL, Sears RC, Brand RE, Parmigiani G, Simeone DM; PRECEDE Consortium. The Pancreatic Cancer Early Detection (PRECEDE) Study is a Global Effort to Drive Early Detection: Baseline Imaging Findings in High-Risk Individuals JOURNAL OF THE NATIONAL COMPREHENSIVE CANCER NETWORK LINK
Zopfs M, Jindrová M, Gurevitch G, Keynan JN, Hendler T, Baumeister S, Aggensteiner PM, Cornelisse S, Brandeis D, Schmahl C, Paret C. Amygdala-related electrical fingerprint is modulated with neurofeedback training and correlates with deep-brain activation: proof-of-concept in borderline personality disorder PSYCHOLOGICAL MEDICINE LINK
Zusman N, Koton S, Tabak N, Kienski Woloski Wruble AC. The mediating role of nurses' attitude towards reporting child abuse and neglect JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC NURSING-NURSING CARE OF CHILDREN & FAMILIES LINK










































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































רבעון ינואר - מרץ 2024

Authors Title Journal Link
Abu-Abeid A, Vitiello A, Berardi G, Dayan D, Velotti N, Schiavone V, Franzese A, Musella M. Implementation of updated enhanced recovery after bariatric surgery guidelines: adapted protocol in a single tertiary center Updates in surgery. LINK
Abu-Toamih-Atamni HJ, Lone IM, Binenbaum I, Mott R, Pilalis E, Chatziioannou A, Iraqi FA. Mapping novel QTL and fine mapping of previously identified QTL associated with glucose tolerance using the collaborative cross mice MAMMALIAN GENOME LINK
Abumanhal M, Leibovitch I, Zisapel M, Eviatar T, Edel Y, Ben Cnaan R. Ocular and orbital manifestations in VEXAS syndrome EYE LINK
Achiron A, Yahalomi T, Knyazer B, Hecht I, Elbaz U, Spierer O, Livny E, Akowuah PK, Tuuminen R, Avadhanam VS. Efficacy comparison of combining cross-linking and refractive laser ablation in progressive keratoconus: systematic review and meta-analysis CANADIAN JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMOLOGY LINK
Adamo M, Chioncel O, Pagnesi M, Bayes-Genis A, Abdelhamid M, Anker SD, Antohi EL, Badano L, Ben Gal T, Böhm M, Delgado V, Dreyfus J, Faletra FF, Farmakis D, Filippatos G, Grapsa J, Gustafsson F, Hausleiter J, Jaarsma T, Karam N, Lund L, Lurz P, Maisano F, Moura B, Mullens W, Praz F, Sannino A, Savarese G, Tocchetti CG, van Empel VPM, von Bardeleben RS, Yilmaz MB, Zamorano JL, Ponikowski P, Barbato E, Rosano GMC, Metra M. Epidemiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis and management of chronic right-sided heart failure and tricuspid regurgitation. A clinical consensus statement of the Heart Failure Association (HFA) and the European Association of Percutaneous Cardiovascular Interventions (EAPCI) of the ESC European journal of heart failure LINK
Aharon-Hananel G, Dori-Dayan N, Zemet R, Bakal L, Jabarin A, Levi K, Hemi R, Barhod E, Kordi-Patimer O, Mazaki-Tovi S, Cukierman-Yaffe T, Yoeli-Ullman R. The relationship between neonatal hypoglycaemia and cord blood C-peptide levels in neonates of birthing individuals with type 1 diabetes DIABETES-METABOLISM RESEARCH AND REVIEWS LINK
Akdam A, Van Mil L, Tzur Y, Laskov I, Grisaru D, Schejter E, Michaan N. Human Papilloma Virus Typing as a Triage Tool for Women with Postcoital Bleeding: A Retrospective Cohort Study JOURNAL OF WOMENS HEALTH LINK
Al Rawi S, Simpson L, Agnarsdóttir G, McDonald NQ, Chernuha V, Elpeleg O, Zeviani M, Barker RA, Spiegel R, Laman H. Study of an FBXO7 patient mutation reveals Fbxo7 and PI31 co-regulate proteasomes and mitochondria FEBS JOURNAL LINK
Alaluf E, Shalamov MM, Sonnenblick A. Update on current and new potential immunotherapies in breast cancer, from bench to bedside FRONTIERS IN IMMUNOLOGY LINK
Alcotzer I, Liassidou A, Hexsel D, Tsur Shenhav L, Artzi O. Optimal Changes Seen in Patients After Treatment With Poly- l -Lactic Acid: A Retrospective Descriptive Study DERMATOLOGIC SURGERY LINK
Aldrian D, Waldner B, Vogel GF, El-Gharbawy AH, McKiernan P, Vockley J, Landau YE, Al Mutairi F, Stepien KM, Kwok AM, Yıldız Y, Honzik T, Kelifova S, Ellaway C, Lund AM, Mori M, Grünert SC, Scholl-Bürgi S, Zöggeler T, Oberhuber R, Schneeberger S, Müller T, Karall D. Impact of citrulline substitution on clinical outcome after liver transplantation in carbamoyl phosphate synthetase 1 and ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency JOURNAL OF INHERITED METABOLIC DISEASE LINK
Alfi O, Cohen M, Bar-On S, Hashimshony T, Levitt L, Raz Y, Blecher Y, Chaudhry MZ, Cicin-Sain L, Ben-El R, Oiknine-Djian E, Lahav T, Vorontsov O, Cohen A, Zakay-Rones Z, Daniel L, Berger M, Mandel-Gutfreund Y, Panet A, Wolf DG. Decidual-tissue-resident memory T cells protect against nonprimary human cytomegalovirus infection at the maternal-fetal interface CELL REPORTS LINK
Alina WB, Elias C, Eran K, Lior F, Nizan M, Gabriel L, Hila LE, Raanan M. Outcomes of cesarean delivery in placenta accreta: conservative delivery vs. cesarean hysterectomy JOURNAL OF PERINATAL MEDICINE LINK
Alkhatib H, Conage-Pough J, Roy Chowdhury S, Shian D, Zaid D, Rubinstein AM, Sonnenblick A, Peretz-Yablonsky T, Granit A, Carmon E, Kohale IN, Boughey JC, Goetz MP, Wang L, White FM, Kravchenko-Balasha N. Patient-specific signaling signatures predict optimal therapeutic combinations for triple negative breast cancer Molecular Cancer LINK
Alvares-da-Silva MR, Ivancovsky-Wajcman D, Oliveira CP, Rabie S, Longo L, Uribe-Cruz C, Yoshimura SM, Joveleviths D, Ben-Yehoyada M, Grinshpan LS, Shibolet O, Kariv R, Zelber-Sagi S. High red meat consumption among PNPLA3 polymorphism carriers is associated with NAFLD in a multi-center cross-sectional study EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NUTRITION LINK
Amikam U, Badeghiesh A, Baghlaf H, Brown R, Dahan MH. Pregnancy, delivery and neonatal outcomes in women with gastrointestinal system cancer in pregnancy. An evaluation of a population database JOURNAL OF PERINATAL MEDICINE LINK
Amikam U, Badeghiesh A, Baghlaf H, Brown R, Dahan MH. Transient ischemic attack and pregnancy, delivery and neonatal outcomes-An evaluation of a population database INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GYNECOLOGY & OBSTETRICS LINK
Amitai N, Stafler P, Blau H, Kaplan E, Mussaffi H, Levine H, Bar-On O, Steuer G, Bar-Yishay E, Klinger G, Mei-Zahav M, Prais D. Cardiopulmonary exercise testing in adolescence following extremely premature birth PEDIATRIC PULMONOLOGY LINK
Amitai Y, Freitas VAR, Golan O, Kessner R, Shalmon T, Neeman R, Mauda-Havakuk M, Mercer D, Sklair-Levy M, Menes TS. The diagnostic performance of ultrafast MRI to differentiate benign from malignant breast lesions: a systematic review and meta-analysis EUROPEAN RADIOLOGY LINK
Ankri C, Hershkovitz O, Hershkovitz L, Brami M, Levy R, Sarig H, Souli E, Reicher B, Amor-Baroukh V, Mevorach D, Nyska A. Safety of Repeated Administration of Xenogeneic Human Apoptotic State (Allocetra-OTS) in Sprague Dawley Rats Pharmaceutics LINK
Appel S, Cohen Y, Appel S, Cohen OS, Chapman J, Rosenmann H, Nitsan Z, Kahana E. Sensory disturbances in Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease NEUROLOGICAL SCIENCES LINK
Arazi M, Ben-Simon G, Landau-Prat D. Presumed Hematogenous Bilateral Periorbital Necrotizing Fasciitis Ophthalmic plastic and reconstructive surgery LINK
Arazi M, Yaniv G, Ben-Simon G. Orbital Inflammation Prompted by Endovascular Mechanical Thrombectomy OPHTHALMOLOGY LINK
Argaman A, Oron Y, Handzel O, Abu-Eta R, Muhanna N, Halpern D, Ungar OJ. Questioning the value of stalk drilling after external auditory canal osteoma excision: case series, literature review, and meta-analysis EUROPEAN ARCHIVES OF OTO-RHINO-LARYNGOLOGY LINK
Armstrong AJ, Geva R, Chung HC, Lemech C, Miller WH Jr, Hansen AR, Lee JS, Tsai F, Solomon BJ, Kim TM, Rolfo C, Giranda V, Ren Y, Liu F, Kandala B, Freshwater T, Wang JS. CXCR2 antagonist navarixin in combination with pembrolizumab in select advanced solid tumors: a phase 2 randomized trial INVESTIGATIONAL NEW DRUGS LINK
Arow Z, Konigstein M, Vaknin-Assa H, Witberg G, Jonas M, Kerner A, Cafri C, Rubinshtein R, Segev A, Roguin A, Issever MO, Gabarin M, Pereg D, Assali A, Koifman E. Percutaneous coronary intervention with ridaforolimus eluting-stents in small vessel coronary artery disease CATHETERIZATION AND CARDIOVASCULAR INTERVENTIONS LINK
Arow Z, Bar Sef A, Assali A, Arnson Y. A missing coronary guidewire mimicking aortic dissection-a case report European heart journal. Case reports. LINK
Ashkenazi I, Amzallag N, Factor S, Abadi M, Morgan S, Gold A, Snir N, Warschawski Y. Age as a Risk Factor for Intraoperative Periprosthetic Femoral Fractures in Cementless Hip Hemiarthroplasty for Femoral Neck Fractures: A Retrospective Analysis Clinics in orthopedic surgery. LINK
Asseyer S, Zmira O, Busse L, Pflantzer B, Schindler P, Schmitz-Hübsch T, Paul F, Chien C. Regional spinal cord volumes and pain profiles in AQP4-IgG + NMOSD and MOGAD FRONTIERS IN NEUROLOGY LINK
Atia O, Magen Rimon R, Ledderman N, Greenfeld S, Kariv R, Loewenberg Weisband Y, Shaoul R, Matz E, Odes S, Goren I, Yanai H, Dotan I, Turner D. Prevalence and Outcomes of No Treatment Versus 5-ASA in Ulcerative Colitis: A Nationwide Analysis From the epi-IIRN INFLAMMATORY BOWEL DISEASES LINK
Atia O, Friss C, Focht G, Magen Rimon R, Ledderman N, Greenfeld S, Ben-Tov A, Loewenberg Weisband Y, Matz E, Gorelik Y, Chowers Y, Dotan I, Turner D. Durability of the First Biologic in Patients with Crohn's Disease: A Nationwide Study from the epi-IIRN JOURNAL OF CROHNS & COLITIS LINK
Atia O, Lujan R, Buchuk R, Greenfeld S, Kariv R, Loewenberg Weisband Y, Ledderman N, Matz E, Ledder O, Zittan E, Yanai H, Shwartz D, Dotan I, Nevo D, Turner D. Predictors of Complicated Disease Course in Adults and Children With Crohn's Disease: A Nationwide Study from the epi-IIRN INFLAMMATORY BOWEL DISEASES LINK
Atia O, Bryder N, Mendelovici A, Ledderman N, Ben-Tov A, Osooli M, Forss A, Loewenberg Weisband Y, Matz E, Dotan I, Turner D, Olén O. The epidemiology of inflammatory bowel diseases during the COVID-19 pandemic: comparison of two nationwide cohorts JOURNAL OF CROHNS & COLITIS LINK
Attanasio R, Žarković M, Papini E, Nagy EV, Negro R, Perros P, Akarsu E, Alevizaki M, Ayvaz G, Bednarczuk T, Beleslin BN, Berta E, Bodor M, Borissova AM, Boyanov M, Buffet C, Burlacu MC, Ćirić J, Díez JJ, Dobnig H, Fadeyev V, Field BCT, Fliers E, Führer-Sakel D, Galofré JC, Hakala T, Jiskra J, Kopp PA, Krebs M, Kršek M, Kužma M, Lantz M, Lazúrová I, Leenhardt L, Luchytskiy V, Marques Puga F, McGowan A, Metso S, Moran C, Morgunova T, Niculescu DA, Perić B, Planck T, Poiana C, Robenshtok E, Rosselet PO, Ruchala M, Ryom Riis K, Shepelkevich A, Tronko MD, Unuane D, Vardarli I, Visser WE, Vryonidou A, Younes YR, Hegedüs L. Patients' Persistent Symptoms, Clinician Demographics, and Geo-Economic Factors Are Associated with Choice of Therapy for Hypothyroidism by European Thyroid Specialists: The "THESIS" Collaboration THYROID LINK
Avivi I, Shragai T, Luttwak E, Trestman S, Cohen YC. Treatment with low-dose, single-agent belantamab mafodotin is safe and provides long-term responses in heavily pretreated multiple myeloma patients EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HAEMATOLOGY LINK
Avraham S, Youngster M, Yerushalmi G, Belov Y, Gat I, Kedem A, Yaakov O, Gidoni Y, Barkat J, Baruchin O, Hourvitz A. Follicular challenge test to predict suboptimal response to gonadotropin releasing hormone agonist trigger in elective oocyte cryopreservation cycles SCIENTIFIC REPORTS LINK
Ayalon A, Greenbaum E, Smolar LO, Rubowitz A. Bilateral Subinternal Limiting Membrane Crystalline Deposits Secondary to Terson Syndrome Case reports in ophthalmological medicine LINK
Bader P, Pötschger U, Dalle JH, Moser LM, Balduzzi A, Ansari M, Buechner J, Güngör T, Ifversen M, Krivan G, Pichler H, Renard M, Staciuk R, Sedlacek P, Stein J, Heusel JR, Truong T, Wachowiak J, Yesilipek A, Locatelli F, Peters C. Low rate of nonrelapse mortality in under-4-year-olds with ALL given chemotherapeutic conditioning for HSCT: a phase 3 FORUM study Blood advances LINK
Balulu G, Furer V, Wollman J, Levartovsky D, Aloush V, Elalouf O, Sarbagil-Maman H, Mendel L, Borok S, Paran D, Elkayam O, Polachek A. The association between sonographic enthesitis with sonographic synovitis and tenosynovitis in psoriatic arthritis patients RHEUMATOLOGY LINK
Barac YD, Witberg G, Assali A, Klempfner R, Krutzwald-Josefson E, Rubchevsky V, Abergel E, Kornowski R, Aravot D. The Clinical SYNTAX score predicts survival better than the SYNTAX score in coronary revascularization JOURNAL OF THORACIC AND CARDIOVASCULAR SURGERY LINK
Barak S, Brezner A, Yissar T, Eisenstein E, Ackerman-Laufer S, Landa J. Gross motor proficiency deficits among children and adolescents post posterior fossa brain tumor removal vs. traumatic brain injury in the chronic phase of recovery: a cross-sectional study Frontiers in sports and active living LINK
Barasche-Berdah D, Ein-Mor E, Calderon-Margalit R, Rose AJ, Krieger M, Brammli-Greenberg S, Ben-Yehuda A, Manor O, Cohen AD, Bar-Ratson E, Bareket R, Matz E, Paltiel O. Nationwide Evaluation of Quality of Care Indicators for Individuals with Severe Mental Illness and Diabetes Mellitus, Following Israel's Mental Health Reform COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH JOURNAL LINK
Barchel D, Stolar O, Ziv-Baran T, Gueta I, Berkovitch M, Kohn E, Bar-Lev Schleider L. Use of Medical Cannabis in Patients with Gilles de la Tourette's Syndrome in a Real-World Setting CANNABIS AND CANNABINOID RESEARCH LINK
Barda N, Lustig Y, Indenbaum V, Zibly D, Joseph G, Asraf K, Weiss-Ottolenghi Y, Amit S, Kliker L, Abu-Kadar B, Ben-Ami E, Canetti M, Koren R, Katz-Likvornik S, Halpern O, Mendelson E, Doolman R, Harats D, Kreiss Y, Mandelboim M, Regev-Yochay G. Corrigendum to "Immunogenicity of Omicron BA.1-adapted BNT162b2 vaccines: randomized trial, 3-month follow-up" [Clin Microbiol Infect] 29 (7) (2023) 918-923 CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY AND INFECTION LINK
Barg AA, Yeshayahu Y, Avishai E, Budnik I, Cohen O, Brutman-Barazani T, Dardik R, Raas-Rothschild A, Levy-Mendelovich S, Livnat T, Pinhas-Hamiel O, Kenet G. Bleeding phenotype and hemostatic evaluation by thrombin generation in children with Noonan syndrome: A prospective study PEDIATRIC BLOOD & CANCER LINK
Barnbrock A, Möricke A, Barbaric D, Jones N, Koenig C, Moser R, Rohde M, Salvador C, Alten J, Elitzur S, Groll AH, Lehrnbecher T. Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia in paediatric acute lymphoblastic leukaemia: A report from the multi-international clinical trial AIEOP-BFM ALL 2009 BRITISH JOURNAL OF HAEMATOLOGY LINK
Barnea-Melamed S, Sever A, Shapira Rootman M, Bilavsky E. Isolated Brain Cysts in Children Afflicted with Congenital Cytomegalovirus PEDIATRIC INFECTIOUS DISEASE JOURNAL LINK
Barnes DR, Tyrer JP, Dennis J, Leslie G, Bolla MK, Lush M, Aeilts AM, Aittomäki K, Andrieu N, Andrulis IL, Anton-Culver H, Arason A, Arun BK, Balmaña J, Bandera EV, Barkardottir RB, Berger LPV, de Gonzalez AB, Berthet P, Białkowska K, Bjørge L, Blanco AM, Blok MJ, Bobolis KA, Bogdanova NV, Brenton JD, Butz H, Buys SS, Caligo MA, Campbell I, Castillo C, Claes KBM; GEMO Study Collaborators; EMBRACE Collaborators; Colonna SV, Cook LS, Daly MB, Dansonka-Mieszkowska A, de la Hoya M, deFazio A, DePersia A, Ding YC, Domchek SM, Dörk T, Einbeigi Z, Engel C, Evans DG, Foretova L, Fortner RT, Fostira F, Foti MC, Friedman E, Frone MN, Ganz PA, Gentry-Maharaj A, Glendon G, Godwin AK, González-Neira A, Greene MH, Gronwald J, Guerrieri-Gonzaga A, Hamann U, Hansen TVO, Harris HR, Hauke J, Heitz F, Hogervorst FBL, Hooning MJ, Hopper JL, Huff CD, Huntsman DG, Imyanitov EN; kConFab Investigators; Izatt L, Jakubowska A, James PA, Janavicius R, John EM, Kar S, Karlan BY, Kennedy CJ, Kiemeney LALM, Konstantopoulou I, Kupryjanczyk J, Laitman Y, Lavie O, Lawrenson K, Lester J, Lesueur F, Lopez-Pleguezuelos C, Mai PL, Manoukian S, May T, McNeish IA, Menon U, Milne RL, Modugno F, Mongiovi JM, Montagna M, Moysich KB, et al. Large-scale genome-wide association study of 398,238 women unveils seven novel loci associated with high-grade serous epithelial ovarian cancer risk medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences. LINK
Belousova N, Huszti E, Li Q, Vasileva A, Ghany R, Gabarin R, El Sanharawi M, Picard C, Hwang D, Levy L, Keshavjee S, Chow CW, Roux A, Martinu T. Center variability in the prognostic value of a cumulative acute cellular rejection "A-score" for long-term lung transplant outcomes AMERICAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPLANTATION LINK
Ben Ephraim Noyman D, Chan CC, Mimouni M, Safir M. Systemic antibiotic treatment for meibomian gland dysfunction-A systematic review and meta-analysis ACTA OPHTHALMOLOGICA LINK
Ben Natan M, Gharra A, Faduos B, Magadlah A, Biadsy A. Examining the association between stigmatizing attitudes in nursing students and their desire for a career in mental health nursing: A comparative analysis of generic and accelerated programs in Israel Journal of psychiatric and mental health nursing LINK
Ben-Arye E, Mao J, Bruera E, Samuels N, Keshet Y, Lee RT, Ben-Yehuda D, Eisenberg E, Bar-Sela G, Shvartzman P, Balneaves LG, Shani M, Ellis M, Tripathy D, Ash S, Elis A, Vaknin Z, Ofir R, Schiff E. Challenges in Implementing Guideline on Integrative Oncology and Pain: The Israeli Perspective Journal of pain and symptom management. LINK
Ben-David A, Meyer R, Mazaki-Tovi S. The association between maternal colonization with Group B Streptococcus and infectious morbidity following transcervical Foley catheter-assisted labor induction JOURNAL OF PERINATAL MEDICINE LINK
Ben-David D, Cohen Y, Levi G, Keren-Paz A, Tasher D, Zandman-Goddard G, Schwartz O, Maor Y. Contribution of active surveillance cultures to the control of hospital-acquired carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii in an endemic hospital setting INFECTION CONTROL AND HOSPITAL EPIDEMIOLOGY LINK
Ben-Meir D, Abu Sbaih F, Frumer M. Intracavernosal pressure of the erect penis in children with hypospadias INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF IMPOTENCE RESEARCH LINK
Ben-Meir D, Bruckheimer E, May T. Extensive Hydrocelectomy Using the Harmonic Scalpel Supersedes Classic Techniques UROLOGY LINK
Ben-Shabat N, Fisher L, Maixner N, Arow M, Ozeri DJ, Patt YS, Watad A, Amital H, Gendelman O. Arthroplasty Rates and Risk in Familial Mediterranean Fever Patients: A large Population-Based Study RHEUMATOLOGY LINK
Benyaminpour S, Shalom M. Optimizing Breast Implant Outcomes: MemoryGel Xtra Implants and Future Research Directions Aesthetic Surgery Journal LINK
Bercovich O, Klar G, Shaulov T, Almog B, Kalma Y, Rahav R, Azem F, Malcov M, Cohen Y. A clinical predictive model for live birth in women of advanced age undergoing PGT cycles ARCHIVES OF GYNECOLOGY AND OBSTETRICS LINK
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Treister-Goltzman Y, Samson T, Rosenberg R, Granek-Catarivas M, Gaver A, Alperin M, Biderman A. Burnout among family medicine residents: a cross-sectional nationwide study ISRAEL JOURNAL OF HEALTH POLICY RESEARCH LINK
Tsur A, Spierer R, Cohen R, Blatch D, Eyal S, Honig A, Ekstein D. First unprovoked seizures among soldiers recruited to the Israeli Defense Forces during 10 consecutive years: A population-based study EPILEPSIA LINK
Tsur N, Yosefof E, Dudkiewicz D, Edri N, Stern S, Shpitzer T, Mizrachi A, Najjar E. Foregoing elective neck dissection for elderly patients with oral cavity squamous cell carcinoma ANZ JOURNAL OF SURGERY LINK
Tsur N, Elmograbi A, Levi L, Shpitzer T, Bachar G, Hod R, Sokolov M, Raveh E. Management of first branchial anomalies in children: 20 years of experience PEDIATRIC SURGERY INTERNATIONAL LINK
Tsur N, Levi L, Frig O, Koch N, Eshel Y, Bachar G, Shpitzer T, Yehuda M, Pescovitz Y, Wiesel O, Dudkiewicz D, Mizrachi A. Extended cervical approach for retrosternal multinodular goiter Acta otorhinolaryngologica Italica LINK
Tubi R, Ben-David A, Segal O. Characteristics of Lexical Stress in Hebrew-Speaking Children With Childhood Apraxia of Speech JOURNAL OF SPEECH, LANGUAGE, AND HEARING RESEARCH LINK
Tur-Sinai A, Bentur N, Fabbietti P, Lamura G. Comparing the cross-national impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on care received by community-dwelling older adults in 2020 and 2021: restoring formal home care versus polarizing informal care? EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF AGEING LINK
Twitto-Greenberg R, Liraz-Zaltsman S, Michaelson DM, Liraz O, Lubitz I, Atrakchi-Baranes D, Shemesh C, Ashery U, Cooper I, Harari A, Harats D, Schnaider-Beeri M, Shaish A. 9-cis beta-carotene-enriched diet significantly improved cognition and decreased Alzheimer's disease neuropathology and neuroinflammation in Alzheimer's disease-like mouse models NEUROBIOLOGY OF AGING LINK
Vaiman M, Mizrakli Y, Taha A, Gavriel H. An individual approach to intraoperative parathyroid hormone measurement during total thyroidectomy AMERICAN JOURNAL OF OTOLARYNGOLOGY LINK
Vandenplas Y, Broekaert I, Domellöf M, Indrio F, Lapillonne A, Pienar C, Ribes-Koninckx C, Shamir R, Szajewska H, Thapar N, Thomassen RA, Verduci E, West C. An ESPGHAN Position Paper on the Diagnosis, Management, and Prevention of Cow's Milk Allergy JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC GASTROENTEROLOGY AND NUTRITION LINK
Vandenput L, Johansson H, McCloskey EV, Liu E, Schini M, Åkesson KE, Anderson FA, Azagra R, Bager CL, Beaudart C, Bischoff-Ferrari HA, Biver E, Bruyère O, Cauley JA, Center JR, Chapurlat R, Christiansen C, Cooper C, Crandall CJ, Cummings SR, da Silva JAP, Dawson-Hughes B, Diez-Perez A, Dufour AB, Eisman JA, Elders PJM, Ferrari S, Fujita Y, Fujiwara S, Glüer CC, Goldshtein I, Goltzman D, Gudnason V, Hall J, Hans D, Hoff M, Hollick RJ, Huisman M, Iki M, Ish-Shalom S, Jones G, Karlsson MK, Khosla S, Kiel DP, Koh WP, Koromani F, Kotowicz MA, Kröger H, Kwok T, Lamy O, Langhammer A, Larijani B, Lippuner K, McGuigan FEA, Mellström D, Merlijn T, Nguyen TV, Nordström A, Nordström P, O'Neill TW, Obermayer-Pietsch B, Ohlsson C, Orwoll ES, Pasco JA, Rivadeneira F, Schott AM, Shiroma EJ, Siggeirsdottir K, Simonsick EM, Sornay-Rendu E, Sund R, Swart KMA, Szulc P, Tamaki J, Torgerson DJ, van Schoor NM, van Staa TP, Vila J, Wareham NJ, Wright NC, Yoshimura N, Zillikens M, Zwart M, Harvey NC, Lorentzon M, Leslie WD, Kanis JA. A meta-analysis of previous falls and subsequent fracture risk in cohort studies OSTEOPOROSIS INTERNATIONAL LINK
Vaxman I, Gatt ME. Smouldering multiple myeloma: To seek or not to seek? To treat or not to treat. That is the question BRITISH JOURNAL OF HAEMATOLOGY LINK
Vismara M, Benatti B, Fineberg NA, Hollander E, Van Ameringen M, Menchon JM, Zohar J, Dell'Osso B. Lessons from a multicenter, international, large sample size analysis of patients with obsessive-compulsive disorders: an overview of the ICOCS Snapshot studies CNS SPECTRUMS LINK
Waeijen-Smit K, Crutsen M, Keene S, Miravitlles M, Crisafulli E, Torres A, Mueller C, Schuetz P, Ringbæk TJ, Fabbian F, Mekov E, Harries TH, Lun CT, Ergan B, Esteban C, Quintana Lopez JM, López-Campos JL, Chang CL, Hancox RJ, Shafuddin E, Ellis H, Janson C, Suppli Ulrik C, Gudmundsson G, Epstein D, Dominguez J, Lacoma A, Osadnik C, Alia I, Spannella F, Karakurt Z, Mehravaran H, Utens C, de Kruif MD, Ko FWS, Trethewey SP, Turner AM, Bumbacea D, Murphy PB, Vermeersch K, Zilberman-Itskovich S, Steer J, Echevarria C, Bourke SC, Lane N, de Batlle J, Sprooten RTM, Russell R, Faverio P, Cross JL, Prins HJ, Spruit MA, Simons SO, Houben-Wilke S, Franssen FME. Global mortality and readmission rates following COPD exacerbation-related hospitalisation: a meta-analysis of 65 945 individual patients European respiratory journal open research LINK
Wagner Y, Adam D, Pomeranz Engelberg G, Pomeranz A, Messinger YH. HLH Syndrome in a Community Hospital: The Challenge of an Early Diagnosis Pediatric health, medicine and therapeutics. LINK
Wasserstrum Y, Gilead R, Ben-Zekry S, Mazor-Dray E, Younis A, Segev A, Maor E, Kuperstein R. Modifiers of the Association between E/e' Ratio and Survival among Patients with No Apparent Structural or Functional Cardiac Abnormality Hellenic journal of cardiology : HJC = Hellēnikē kardiologikē epitheōrēsē. LINK
Watad A, McGonagle D. Towards Early Diagnosis of Axial Psoriatic Arthritis RHEUMATOLOGY LINK
Watted N, Lone IM, Midlej K, Zohud O, Awadi O, Masarwa S, Watted A, Paddenberg E, Krohn S, Kirschneck C, Proff P, Iraqi FA. The Complexity of Skeletal Transverse Dimension: From Diagnosis, Management, and Treatment Strategies to the Application of Collaborative Cross (CC) Mouse Model Journal of functional morphology and kinesiology. LINK
Weinstein-Marom H, Blokon-Kogan D, Levi-Mann M, Katzman C, Shalev S, Zaitsev M, Besser MJ, Shapira-Frommer R, Gross G, Itzhaki O, Nissim L. Genetic Modification of Tumor-Infiltrating Lymphocytes, Peripheral T Cells, and T-Cell Model Cell Lines METHODS IN MOLECULAR BIOLOGY LINK
Weissbach T, Lev S, Haimov A, Massarwa A, Shamay I, Plaschkes R, Assa L, Elkan-Miller T, Weisz B, Nardini G, Armon N, Sharon R, Mazaki Tovi S, Kassif E. The Hard Palate Sweep: a multiplanar 2-dimensional sonographic method for the prenatal detection of cleft palate AMERICAN JOURNAL OF OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY LINK
Weiss SA, Fried I, Engel J Jr, Bragin A, Wang S, Sperling MR, Wong RKS, Nir Y, Staba RJ. Pathological neurons generate ripples at the UP-DOWN transition disrupting information transfer EPILEPSIA LINK
Weitzel T, Brown A, Libman M, Perret C, Huits R, Chen L, Leung D, Leder K, Connor BA, Menéndez MD, Asgeirsson H, Schwartz E, Salvador F, Malvy D, Saio M, Norman FF, Amatya B, Duvingnaud A, Vaughan S, Glynn M, Angelo KM; GeoSentinel Network. Intestinal protozoa in returning travellers: a GeoSentinel analysis from 2007 to 2019 JOURNAL OF TRAVEL MEDICINE LINK
Wiesel V, Aviram M, Mei-Zahav M, Dotan M, Prais D, Cohen-Cymberknoh M, Gur M, Bar-Yoseph R, Livnat G, Goldbart A, Hazan G, Hazan I, Golan-Tripto I. Eradication of Nontuberculous Mycobacteria in People with Cystic Fibrosis Treated with Elexacaftor/Tezacaftor/Ivacaftor: A Multicenter Cohort Study JOURNAL OF CYSTIC FIBROSIS LINK
Wilf-Yarkoni A, Zmira O, Tolkovsky A, Pflantzer B, Gofrit SG, Kleffner I, Paul F, Dörr J. Clinical Characterization and Ancillary Tests in Susac Syndrome: A Systematic Review Neurology® neuroimmunology & neuroinflammation LINK
Wohl Y, Mashiah J, Drutin Y, Vered S, Ben-Tov A. Incidence rate of alopecia areata in Israel: A 15-year analysis of population-based data and the emergence of young male adults as the most at-risk group JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGY LINK
Wolfson Y, Mandelberg A, Golan-Lagziel T, Sosnovsky S, Ater D, Domany KA. The role of bronchial challenge test in guiding therapy in preschool children with atypical recurrent respiratory symptoms PEDIATRIC PULMONOLOGY LINK
Wygnanski-Jaffe T, Moshkovitz A, Kushner BJ, Belkin M, Yehezkel O; CureSight Pivotal Trial Group. Binocular Home Treatment for Amblyopia: Gains Stable for One Year AMERICAN JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMOLOGY LINK
Yalniz FF, Greenbaum U, Pasvolsky O, Milton DR, Kanagal-Shamanna R, Ramdial J, Srour S, Mehta R, Alousi A, Popat UR, Nieto Y, Kebriaei P, Al-Atrash G, Oran B, Hosing C, Ahmed S, Champlin RE, Shpall EJ, Qazilbash MH, Bashir Q. Characteristics and Outcomes of Patients With Multiple Myeloma Who Developed Therapy-Related Acute Myeloid Leukemia and Myelodysplastic Syndrome After Autologous Cell Transplantation Transplantation and cellular therapy. LINK
Yanai Milshtein N, Pres S, Derowe A, Rimon A. Diagnosis of Fever Source Following Tonsillectomy and Adenoidectomy in the Pediatric Emergency Department PEDIATRIC EMERGENCY CARE LINK
Yasrab R, Zhao H, Fu Z, Drukker L, Papageorghiou AT, Noble JA. Automating the Human Action of First-Trimester Biometry Measurement from Real-World Freehand Ultrasound ULTRASOUND IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY LINK
Yerushalmy-Feler A, Olbjorn C, Kolho KL, Aloi M, Musto F, Martin-de-Carpi J, Lozano-Ruf A, Yogev D, Matar M, Scarallo L, Bramuzzo M, de Ridder L, Kang B, Norden C, Wilson DC, Tzivinikos C, Turner D, Cohen S. Dual Biologic or Small Molecule Therapy in Refractory Pediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease (DOUBLE-PIBD): A Multicenter Study from the Pediatric IBD Porto Group of ESPGHAN INFLAMMATORY BOWEL DISEASES LINK
Yogev Y, Schaffer M, Shlapobersky M, Jean MM, Wormser O, Drabkin M, Halperin D, Kassem R, Livoff A, Tsitrina AA, Asna N, Birk OS. A role of BPTF in viral oncogenicity delineated through studies of heritable Kaposi sarcoma Journal of medical virology LINK
Yosief RHS, Lone IM, Nachshon A, Himmelbauer H, Gat-Viks I, Iraqi FA. Identifying genetic susceptibility to Aspergillus fumigatus infection using collaborative cross mice and RNA-Seq approach Animal models and experimental medicine LINK
Yuval C, Otzem C, Laura BS, Shirel R, Dana GN, Atalia W, Noam B, Nir E, Yair M. Evaluating the Effect of a Myopia Control Spectacle Lens Among Children in Israel: 12-Month Results AMERICAN JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMOLOGY LINK
Yuval C, Otzem C, Laura BS, Shirel R, Dana GN, Atalia W, Noam B, Nir E, Yair M. Corrigendum to "Evaluating the Effect of a Myopia Control Spectacle Lens Among Children in Israel: 12-Month Results" [American Journal of Ophthalmology, 2024;257: 103-112] AMERICAN JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMOLOGY LINK
Zacay G, Weintraub I, Regev R, Modan-Moses D, Levy-Shraga Y. Fracture risk among children and adolescents with celiac disease: a nationwide cohort study PEDIATRIC RESEARCH LINK
Zadok N, Ast G, Sharan R. A network-based method for associating genes with autism spectrum disorder Frontiers in bioinformatics. LINK
Zajicek M, Berkowitz E, Yulzari V, Kassif E, Burke Y, Elizur S, Inbar Y, Zolti M, Weisz B, Soriano D. Ultrasound appearance of decidualized non-ovarian endometriotic lesions during pregnancy and after delivery ULTRASOUND IN OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY LINK
Zalcman J, Pasternak Y, Kenan D, Dotan M, Gueta I, Kadmon G, Peled O, Bilavsky-Yarden H. Safety of Cidofovir Treatment for Suspected or Confirmed Adenovirus Infection in Immunocompetent Pediatric Population PEDIATRIC INFECTIOUS DISEASE JOURNAL LINK
Zavdy O, Nakache G, Alkan U, Hazan A, Reifen E, Ritter A. Prophylactic antibiotics in septoplasty with intranasal septal splints: A comparative analysis CLINICAL OTOLARYNGOLOGY LINK
Zloto O, Alcalay I, Klain B, Ben Simon G. The Long-Term Effect on Dry Eye of Posterior Approach Ptosis Surgery Vs. Upper Eyelid Blepharoplasty CURRENT EYE RESEARCH LINK
Zohar I, Alperson-Afil N, Goren-Inbar N, Prévost M, Tütken T, Sisma-Ventura G, Hershkovitz I, Najorka J. Author Correction: Evidence for the cooking of fish 780,000 years ago at Gesher Benot Ya'aqov, Israel Nature Ecology & Evolution LINK
Zorani S, Peles E. Is pain empathy associated with pain indices and trauma history? A comparison between patients receiving methadone maintenance treatment and healthy controls JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRIC RESEARCH LINK
Zur D, Hod K, Trivizki O, Rabinovitch D, Schwartz S, Shulman S. Anti-Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Treatment in Diabetic Macular Edema-Results from a Large Single Center Cohort with Bevacizumab As First-Line Therapy RETINA-THE JOURNAL OF RETINAL AND VITREOUS DISEASES LINK













































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































רבעון אוקטובר - דצמבר 2023

Authors Title Journal Link
Abu Baker F, Davidov Y, Israel A, Green I, Taher R, Ben Ari Z, Abu Mouch S. Chronic hepatitis B infection and diabetes mellitus: a double liver trouble? Minerva medica LINK
Abu Hanna F, Atia O, Yerushalmy Feler A, Shouval D, Weiss B, Mresat H, Magen-Rimon R, Zifman E, Turner D, Rinawi F. Thiopurines Maintenance Therapy in Children With Ulcerative Colitis: A Multicenter Retrospective Study JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC GASTROENTEROLOGY AND NUTRITION LINK
Abuhasira R, Schwartz L, Novack V. Medical Cannabis Is Not Associated with a Decrease in Activities of Daily Living in Older Adults Biomedicines LINK
Abutbul A, Mumblat H, Porat Y, Friedman N, Atari N, Sharabi S, Nama A, Mugahed W, Kessler A, Kolben Y, Shamir RR, Manzur D, Farber O, Bosch L, Lavy-Shahaf G, Dor-On E, Haber A, Giladi M, Weinberg U, Palti Y, Mardor Y, Mandelboim M. Tumor Treating Fields (TTFields) demonstrate antiviral functions in vitro, and safety for application to COVID-19 patients in a pilot clinical study FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY LINK
Abu-Toamih-Atamni HJ, Lone IM, Binenbaum I, Mott R, Pilalis E, Chatziioannou A, Iraqi FA. Mapping novel QTL and fine mapping of previously identified QTL associated with glucose tolerance using the collaborative cross mice MAMMALIAN GENOME LINK
Achard V, Zilli T, Lamanna G, Jorcano S, Bral S, Rubio C, Oliveira A, Bottero M, Bruynzeel A, Ibrahimov R, Minn H, Symon Z, Constantin G, Miralbell R. Urethra-sparing prostate cancer stereotactic body radiotherapy: sexual function and radiation dose to the penile bulb, the crura, and the internal pudendal arteries from a randomized phase 2 trial INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RADIATION ONCOLOGY BIOLOGY PHYSICS LINK
Adamo M, Chioncel O, Pagnesi M, Bayes-Genis A, Abdelhamid M, Anker SD, Antohi EL, Badano L, Ben Gal T, Böhm M, Delgado V, Dreyfus J, Faletra FF, Farmakis D, Filippatos G, Grapsa J, Gustafsson F, Hausleiter J, Jaarsma T, Karam N, Lund L, Lurz P, Maisano F, Moura B, Mullens W, Praz F, Sannino A, Savarese G, Tocchetti CG, van Empel VPM, von Bardeleben RS, Yilmaz MB, Zamorano JL, Ponikowski P, Barbato E, Rosano GMC, Metra M. Epidemiology, Pathophysiology, Diagnosis and Management of Chronic Right-Sided Heart Failure and Tricuspid Regurgitation. A clinical consensus statement of the Heart Failure Association (HFA) and the European Association of Percutaneous Cardiovascular Interventions (EAPCI) of the ESC European journal of heart failure LINK
Adir D, Freund T, Dotan A, Mashiah J, Hagin D. Dupilumab for Post-Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation Dermatitis in Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome JOURNAL OF CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY LINK
Alcotzer I, Liassidou A, Hexsel D, Tsur Shenhav L, Artzi O. Optimal Changes Seen in Patients After Treatment With Poly- l -Lactic Acid: A Retrospective Descriptive Study DERMATOLOGIC SURGERY LINK
Aliasi-Sinai L, Worthington T, Lange M, Kushner T. Maternal-to-Child Transmission of Hepatitis B Virus and Hepatitis Delta Virus Clinics in liver disease. LINK
Allen D, Knop O, Itkowitz B, Kalter N, Rosenberg M, Iancu O, Beider K, Lee YN, Nagler A, Somech R, Hendel A. CRISPR-Cas9 engineering of the RAG2 locus via complete coding sequence replacement for therapeutic applications NATURE COMMUNICATIONS LINK
Alnajjar SA, Fathihelabad D, Abraham A, Daniyal L, Lovblom LE, Bril V. Systematic Comparison of Muscle Ultrasound Thickness in Polyneuropathies and Other Neuromuscular Diseases Neurology and therapy. LINK
Amatya B, Schwartz E, Biber A, Erster O, Lustig Y, Pradhan R, Khadka B, Pandey P. Dengue serotype characterization during the 2022 dengue epidemic in Kathmandu, Nepal JOURNAL OF TRAVEL MEDICINE LINK
Amikam U, Hochberg A, Segal R, Abramov S, Lavie A, Yogev Y, Hiersch L. Perinatal outcomes following uterine rupture during a trial of labor after cesarean: A 12-year single-center experience INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GYNECOLOGY & OBSTETRICS LINK
Amitai N, Wertheimer R, Prais D, Wertheimer KO, Livni G. Influenza vaccination in children with pulmonary disease during the COVID-19 pandemic VACCINE LINK
Amzallag N, Ashkenazi I, Factor S, Abadi M, Morgan S, Graif N, Snir N, Gold A, Warschawski Y. Addition of gentamicin for antibiotic prophylaxis in hip hemiarthroplasty does not decrease the rate of surgical site infection European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery LINK
Anabel Sinberger L, Zahavi T, Sonnenblick A, Salmon-Divon M. Coexistent ARID1A-PIK3CA mutations are associated with immune-related pathways in luminal breast cancer SCIENTIFIC REPORTS LINK
Antiga E, Bech R, Maglie R, Genovese G, Borradori L, Bockle B, Caproni M, Caux F, Chandran NS, Corrà A, D'Amore F, Daneshpazhooh M, De D, Didona D, Dmochowski M, Drenovska K, Ehrchen J, Feliciani C, Goebeler M, Groves R, Günther C, Handa S, Hofmann SC, Horvath B, Ioannidis D, Jedlickova H, Kowalewski C, Kridin K, Joly P, Lim YL, Marinovic B, Maverakis E, Meijer J, Patsatsi A, Pincelli C, Prost C, Setterfield J, Sprecher E, Skiljevic D, Tasanen K, Uzun S, Van Beek N, Vassileva S, Vorobyev A, Vujic I, Wang G, Wang M, Wozniak K, Yayli S, Zambruno G, Hashimoto T, Schmidt E, Mascarò JM Jr, Marzano AV. Corrigendum: S2k guidelines on the management of paraneoplastic pemphigus/paraneoplastic autoimmune multiorgan syndrome initiated by the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (EADV) JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN ACADEMY OF DERMATOLOGY AND VENEREOLOGY LINK
Appel S, Bar J, Saad A, Marom EM, Urban D, Onn A, Gantz-Sorotsky H, Kremer RY, Ben-Nun A, Perelman M, Ofek E, Yacobi R, Daher S, Rasco A, Symon Z, Lawrence YR, Goldstein J. Effects of EGFR driver mutations on pathologic regression in resectable locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer treated with neoadjuvant chemoradiation and completion surgery BRITISH JOURNAL OF RADIOLOGY LINK
Appel S, Cohen Y, Appel S, Cohen OS, Chapman J, Rosenmann H, Nitsan Z, Kahana E. Sensory disturbances in Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease NEUROLOGICAL SCIENCES LINK
Arav A, Li S, Friedman O, Solodeev I, Aouizerate J, Kedar D, Antonio M, Natan D, Gur E, Shani N. Long-Term Survival and Functional Recovery of Cryopreserved Vascularized Groin Flap and Below-the-Knee Rat Limb Transplants Rejuvenation research. LINK
Arbel A, Bishara H, Barnett-Griness O, Cohen S, Najjar-Debbiny R, Gronich N, Auriel E, Saliba W. COVID-19 vaccination and myasthenia gravis EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY LINK
Arbel A, Bishara H, Barnett-Griness O, Cohen S, Najjar-Debbiny R, Gronich N, Auriel E, Saliba W. Association between COVID-19 vaccination and myasthenia gravis: A population-based, nested case-control study EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY LINK
Ares-Blanco S, Guisado-Clavero M, Ramos Del Rio L, Gefaell Larrondo I, Fitzgerald L, Adler L, Assenova R, Bakola M, Bayen S, Brutskaya-Stempkovskaya E, Busneag IC, Domeyer PR, Gjorgjievski D, Hoffmann K, Ільков О, Trifon Karathanos V, Kirkovski A, Knežević S, Çimen Korkmaz B, Heleno B, Nessler K, Murauskienė L, Neves AL, Parodi López N, Perjés Á, Petek D, Petrazzuoli F, Petricek G, Seifert B, Serafini A, Sentker T, Tiili P, Torzsa P, Vaes B, van Pottebergh G, Vinker S, Astier-Peña MP, Gómez-Bravo R, Lingner H; Clinical investigators†; Clinical investigators:. Clinical pathway of COVID-19 patients in primary health care in 30 European countries: Eurodata study The European journal of general practice LINK
Aronovich A, Novikov I, Pavlovsky L. Do Biologic Treatments for Psoriasis Lower the Risk of Psoriatic Arthritis? A Systematic Review AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL DERMATOLOGY LINK
Arora S, Zur D, Iovino C, Chhablani J. Peripapillary fluid: Obvious and not so obvious! Survey of ophthalmology LINK
Arow Z, Gabarin M, Abu-Hosein H, Giladi E, Hilu R, Losin I, Mishaev R, Assali A, Pereg D. Eyeball Test for the Assessment of Frailty in Elderly Patients With Cardiovascular Disease: A Prospective Study AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY LINK
Arow Z, Konigstein M, Vaknin-Assa H, Witberg G, Jonas M, Kerner A, Cafri C, Rubinshtein R, Segev A, Roguin A, Issever MO, Gabarin M, Pereg D, Assali A, Koifman E. Percutaneous coronary intervention with ridaforolimus eluting-stents in small vessel coronary artery disease CATHETERIZATION AND CARDIOVASCULAR INTERVENTIONS LINK
Artusi CA, Geroin C, Nonnekes J, Aquino C, Garg D, Dale ML, Schlosser D, Lai Y, Al-Wardat M, Salari M, Wolke R, Labou VT, Imbalzano G, Camozzi S, Merello M, Bloem BR, Capato T, Djaldetti R, Doherty K, Fasano A, Tibar H, Lopiano L, Margraf NG, Moreau C, Ugawa Y, Bhidayasiri R, Tinazzi M; International Parkinson and Movement Disorders Society Task Force on Postural Abnormalities. Predictors and Pathophysiology of Axial Postural Abnormalities in Parkinsonism: A Scoping Review Movement disorders clinical practice LINK
Ashkenazi I, Morgan S, Snir N, Gold A, Dekel M, Warschawski Y. Outcomes of Enterobacter cloacae-Associated Periprosthetic Joint Infection Following Hip Arthroplasties Clinics in orthopedic surgery. LINK
Assaf D, Hazzan D, Laks S, Segev L. Long-term outcomes following ileocolic resection for Crohn's disease: does earlier elective resection affect disease recurrence rates? ANZ JOURNAL OF SURGERY LINK
Atia O, Friss C, Ledderman N, Greenfeld S, Kariv R, Daher S, Yanai H, Loewenberg Weisband Y, Matz E, Dotan I, Turner D. Thiopurines Have Longer Treatment Durability than Methotrexate in Adults and Children with Crohn's Disease: A Nationwide Analysis from the epi-IIRN Cohort JOURNAL OF CROHNS & COLITIS LINK
Atrash H, Katz-Leurer M, Shahar G. The effect of self-assessment on student competence in physiotherapy clinical training: a randomized controlled trial BMC medical education. LINK
Attali E, Gabbai D, Reicher L, Baruch Y, Lavie A, Yogev Y, Many A. Is Grand Multiparity an Independent Risk Factor for Blood Transfusion? REPRODUCTIVE SCIENCES LINK
Atzmon R, Iohanes E, Dubin J, Rosenthal A, Drexler M, Sherman SL. Bifocal avulsion fracture and fixation of the patellar tendon: a case report Journal of ISAKOS : joint disorders & orthopaedic sports medicine LINK
Avisar E, Essa A, Gutman-Tirosh A, Dahan M, Assaraf E, Persitz J. Reply to the Letter to the Editor: Is Tension Band Wire Fixation Superior to Plate Fixation for Simple Displaced Olecranon Fractures? A Randomized Trial With Median Follow-up of 7.5 Years CLINICAL ORTHOPAEDICS AND RELATED RESEARCH LINK
Avivi I, Shragai T, Luttwak E, Trestman S, Cohen YC. Treatment with low-dose, single-agent belantamab mafodotin is safe and provides long-term responses in heavily pretreated multiple myeloma patients EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HAEMATOLOGY LINK
Avivi I, Yekutiel N, Shragai T, Cohen YC, Grunspan M, Rivlin N, Frankel N, Cohen R, Weil C, Chodick G. Management and outcome of 500 multiple myeloma patients treated for first relapse outside clinical studies ANNALS OF HEMATOLOGY LINK
Avni E, Ben-Itzchak E, Saban-Bezalel R, Zachor DA. Parents' and Teachers' Perspectives of Autism and Co-Morbidity Symptom Severity in Young Children with ASD Over One School Year JOURNAL OF AUTISM AND DEVELOPMENTAL DISORDERS LINK
Avnon T, Anbar R, Yogev Y. Reply to: "Letter to the Editor to: Does vegan diet influence umbilical cord vitamin B12, folate, and ferritin levels?" ARCHIVES OF GYNECOLOGY AND OBSTETRICS LINK
Avraham S, Baruch Y, Schwartz A, Lavie A, Ignative A, Belov Y, Raz Y, Many A, Gamzu R, Yogev Y. The association between increased subjective sensation of fetal movements and pregnancy outcome-a prospective cohort and a retrospective comparative analysis JOURNAL OF MATERNAL-FETAL & NEONATAL MEDICINE LINK
Avrami S, Hoffman T, Meltzer E, Lustig Y, Schwartz E. Comparison of clinical and laboratory parameters of primary vs secondary dengue fever in travellers JOURNAL OF TRAVEL MEDICINE LINK
Ayalon-Dangur I, Babich T, Samuel MH, Leibovici L, Grossman A. Safety and efficacy of non-insulin therapy in non-critically ill hospitalized patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INTERNAL MEDICINE LINK
Azem K, Orbach-Zinger S, Heesen P, Finkelstein A, Eidelman LA, Shufaro Y, Arzola C. The effect of preoperative anxiety and ovarian stimulation on gastric antrum size: a prospective observational study Journal of psychosomatic obstetrics and gynaecology LINK
Bairey O, Lebel E, Buxbaum C, Porges T, Taliansky A, Gurion R, Goldschmidt N, Shina TT, Zektser M, Hofstetter L, Siegal T. A retrospective study of 222 patients with newly diagnosed primary central nervous system lymphoma-Outcomes indicative for improved survival overtime HEMATOLOGICAL ONCOLOGY LINK
Bairey O, Taliansky A, Glik A, Amiel A, Yust-Katz S, Gurion R, Zektser M, Porges T, Sarid N, Horowitz NA, Shina TT, Lebel E, Cohen A, Geiger KR, Raanani P, Wolach O, Siegal T. A phase 2 study of ibrutinib maintenance following first-line high-dose methotrexate-based chemotherapy for elderly patients with primary central nervous system lymphoma CANCER LINK
Bajerova K, Salvatore S, Dupont C, Kuitunen M, Meyer R, Ribes-Koninckx C, Shamir R, Szajewska H, Staiano A, Vandenplas Y. Cow's Milk-Related Symptom Score (CoMiSS): From Bristol to Brussels Stool Scale JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC GASTROENTEROLOGY AND NUTRITION LINK
Barak S, Landa J, Gerner M, Eisenstein E, Arzoni Bardach C, Silberg T. A Behavioral Characteristics Observational Measure of Youth with Somatic Symptom Disorder during Physical Rehabilitation Life LINK
Barash Y, Klang E, Konen E, Sorin V. ChatGPT-4 Assistance in Optimizing Emergency Department Radiology Referrals and Imaging Selection JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF RADIOLOGY LINK
Barber E, Ganer Herman H, Kovo M, Tairy D, Schreiber L, Horowitz E, Weissman A, Weiner E, Raziel A. Placenta previa in in vitro fertilization and unassisted pregnancies-is there a difference in perinatal outcomes and placental histology? JOURNAL OF MATERNAL-FETAL & NEONATAL MEDICINE LINK
Barda N, Lustig Y, Indenbaum V, Zibly D, Joseph G, Asraf K, Weiss-Ottolenghi Y, Amit S, Kliker L, Abu-Kadar B, Ben-Ami E, Canetti M, Koren R, Katz-Likvornik S, Halpern O, Mendelson E, Doolman R, Harats D, Kreiss Y, Mandelboim M, Regev-Yochay G. 'Corrigendum to "Immunogenicity of Omicron BA.1-adapted BNT162b2 vaccines: randomized trial, 3-month follow-up" [Clin Microbiol Infect] 29 (7) (2023) 918-923 CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY AND INFECTION LINK
Barequet D, Shemesh R, Zvi D, Cohen R, Trivizki O, Schwartz S, Barak A, Loewenstein A, Rabina G. Functional and anatomical outcomes of fovea on, fovea off and fovea-splitting rhegmatogenous retinal detachment GRAEFES ARCHIVE FOR CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL OPHTHALMOLOGY LINK
Barequet IS, Rosenblatt A, Schaap Fogler M, Pedut-Kloizman T, Gaton D, Loewenstein A, Habot-Wilner Z. Gender related trends among Israeli ophthalmologists professional career and personal life performance EYE LINK
Barg AA, Yeshayahu Y, Avishai E, Budnik I, Cohen O, Brutman-Barazani T, Dardik R, Raas-Rothschild A, Levy-Mendelovich S, Livnat T, Pinhas-Hamiel O, Kenet G. Bleeding phenotype and hemostatic evaluation by thrombin generation in children with Noonan syndrome: A prospective study PEDIATRIC BLOOD & CANCER LINK
Bar-Ilan E, Bar J, Baniel A, Slodownik D, Artzi O, Samuelov L, Sprecher E, Mashiah J. Intralesional human papillomavirus vaccine for the treatment of recalcitrant cutaneous warts JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGY LINK
Bar-On S, Berkovitz Shperling R, Cohen A, Akdam A, Michaan N, Levin I, Rattan G, Tzur Y. Primary Resectoscopic Treatment of First-Trimester Miscarriage Journal of obstetrics and gynaecology Canada LINK
Bartal G, Yitzhaky A, Segev A, Hertzberg L. Multiple genes encoding mitochondrial ribosomes are downregulated in brain and blood samples of individuals with schizophrenia WORLD JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY LINK
Baruchel A, Bourquin JP, Crispino J, Cuartero S, Hasle H, Hitzler J, Klusmann JH, Izraeli S, Lane AA, Malinge S, Rabin KR, Roberts I, Ryeom S, Tasian SK, Wagenblast E. Down syndrome and leukemia: from basic mechanisms to clinical advances HAEMATOLOGICA LINK
Bar-Yosef Y, Savin Z, Ekstein M, Ben-David R, Dekalo S, Bar-Yaakov N, Sofer M, Ben-Chaim J. Preoperative Bladder Capacity Predicts Social Continence following Bladder Neck Reconstruction in Children Born with Exstrophy-Epispadias Complex EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC SURGERY LINK
Belgacem ZH, Dubois SM, Jacoby E, Martin PL, Parikh SB, Fleming MD, Agarwal S. Successful cord blood transplantation for del7q myelodysplastic syndrome in Pearson marrow pancreas syndrome AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HEMATOLOGY LINK
Ben Ephraim Noyman D, Chan CC, Mimouni M, Safir M. The Efficacy and Safety of Standard Versus Soft Topical Steroids After Cataract Surgery -a Systematic Review and Meta-analysis OPHTHALMOLOGY LINK
Ben Natan M, Abd El Hadi M, Zoubi F. What motivates young Arab Muslim women to choose nursing as a profession: A cross-sectional study INTERNATIONAL NURSING REVIEW LINK
Ben Natan O, Stein M, Reisfeld S. Audit and feedback as a tool to increase compliance with carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae (CPE) screening and decrease CPE transmission in the hospital INFECTION CONTROL AND HOSPITAL EPIDEMIOLOGY LINK
Ben Zadok OI, Groarke JD, Caron J, Novak P, Redd RA, Ng A, Neilan TG, Nohria A. Ivabradine in the Management of Elevated Resting Heart Rate Associated with Mediastinal Radiation Therapy HEART RHYTHM LINK
Ben-Aharon I, Rotem R, Melzer-Cohen C, Twig G, Cercek A, Half E, Goshen-Lago T, Chodik G, Kelsen D. Pharmaceutical Agents as Potential Drivers in the Development of Early-Onset Colorectal Cancer: Case-Control Study JMIR PUBLIC HEALTH AND SURVEILLANCE LINK
Ben-Ari E, Shichman I, Sissman E, Oakley C, Hepinstall M, Schwarzkopf R. Calibration of magnification in two-dimensional low-dose full-body imaging for preoperative planning of total hip arthroplasty ARCHIVES OF ORTHOPAEDIC AND TRAUMA SURGERY LINK
Benbenishty R, Astor RA, Roziner I. An eighteen-year longitudinal examination of school victimization and weapon use in California secondary schools WORLD JOURNAL OF PEDIATRICS LINK
Ben-David A, Meyer R, Mazaki-Tovi S. The association between maternal colonization with Group B Streptococcus and infectious morbidity following transcervical Foley catheter-assisted labor induction JOURNAL OF PERINATAL MEDICINE LINK
Ben-Meir D, Abu Sbaih F, Frumer M. Intracavernosal pressure of the erect penis in children with hypospadias INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF IMPOTENCE RESEARCH LINK
Ben-Meir D, Bruckheimer E, May T. Extensive Hydrocelectomy Using the Harmonic Scalpel Supersedes Classic Techniques UROLOGY LINK
Ben-Shabat N, Gendelman O, Fisher L, Shani U, Patt YS, Watad A, Skuja V, McGonagle D, Amital H. Increased risk for stroke in patients with familial Mediterranean fever: results from a large population-based study RHEUMATOLOGY LINK
Benvenisti H, Shiber M, Assaf D, Shovman Y, Laks S, Elbaz N, Mor E, Zippel D, Nissan A, Ben-Yaacov A, Adileh M. Perioperative and Oncological Outcomes of Cytoreductive Surgery and Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy for Peritoneal Metastasis of Rectal Origin JOURNAL OF GASTROINTESTINAL SURGERY LINK
Ben-Zvi Feldman S, Soroker N, Levy DA. Lesion-behavior mapping indicates a strategic role for parietal substrates of associative memory CORTEX LINK
Berco E, Arnon R, Kozlov Y, Shad JL, Shoham-Hazon N, Tuli R, Hilely A. Internal limiting membrane flap with viscoelastic device for lamellar hole surgery with no postoperative positioning GRAEFES ARCHIVE FOR CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL OPHTHALMOLOGY LINK
Berezowsky A, Ardestani S, Hiersch L, Shah BR, Berger H, Halperin I, Retnakaran R, Barrett J, Melamed N. Glycemic control and neonatal outcomes in twin pregnancies with gestational diabetes mellitus AMERICAN JOURNAL OF OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY LINK
Berla E, Kerzhner O, Caspi T, Shaklai S, Michaeli D. Acute Presentation and Long-Term Rehabilitation Follow-Up of Ischemic Myelopathy Due to Clinically Suspected Fibrocartilaginous Embolism in an Adolescent Male: A Case Report and Review Neurology international LINK
Berman A, Anteby R, Efros O, Klang E, Soffer S. Deep learning for embryo evaluation using time-lapse: a systematic review of diagnostic test accuracy AMERICAN JOURNAL OF OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY LINK
Berman E, Erenburg N, Beloosesky R, Eyal S, Kovo M. Placental disposition of cannabidiol: An ex vivo perfusion study EPILEPSIA LINK
Berman T, Rorman E, Groisman L, Keinan-Boker L, Shimony T, Barnett-Itzhaki Z. Association between parental smoking and child exposure to environmental tobacco smoke in Israel ISRAEL JOURNAL OF HEALTH POLICY RESEARCH LINK
Bertelli JA, Seltser A, Gasparelo KR, Hill EJR. The Cutaneous Branches of the Median and Ulnar Nerves in the Palm JOURNAL OF HAND SURGERY-AMERICAN VOLUME LINK
Bieber A, Brikman S, Novack L, Abuhasira R, Fawaz A, Abu-Shakra M, Zeller L, Ling E, Mader R, Sagy I. Fourth dose of BNT162b2 vaccine for patients with autoimmune rheumatic diseases in a nationwide setting RHEUMATOLOGY LINK
Bilgory A, Minich O, Shvaikovsky M, Gurevich G, Lessing JB, Olteanu I. Predictive Factors for Successful Vaginal Delivery after a Trial of External Cephalic Version: A Retrospective Cohort Study of 946 Women AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PERINATOLOGY LINK
Bilman V, Rinaldi E, Loschi D, Sheick-Yousif B, Melissano G. Suitability of current off-the-shelf devices for endovascular TAAA repair: a systematic review The Journal of cardiovascular surgery. LINK
Bin Kanner Y, Teng QX, Ganoth A, Peer D, Wang JQ, Chen ZS, Tsfadia Y. Cytotoxicity and reversal effect of sertraline, fluoxetine, and citalopram on MRP1- and MRP7-mediated MDR FRONTIERS IN PHARMACOLOGY LINK
Birnbaum R, Ezer S, Lotan NS, Eilat A, Sternlicht K, Benyamini L, Reish O, Falik-Zaccai T, Ben-Gad G, Rod R, Segel R, Kim K, Burton B, Keegan CE, Wagner M, Henderson LB, Mor N, Barel O, Hirsch Y, Meiner V, Elpeleg O, Harel T, Mor-Shakad H. Intellectual disability syndrome associated with a homozygous founder variant in SGSM3 in Ashkenazi Jews JOURNAL OF MEDICAL GENETICS LINK
Bishara H, Arbel A, Barnett-Griness O, Bloch S, Cohen S, Najjar-Debbiny R, Gronich N, Auriel E, Saliba W. Association Between Guillain-Barré Syndrome and COVID-19 Infection and Vaccination: A Population-Based Nested Case-Control Study NEUROLOGY LINK
Blumenthal KG, Greenhawt M, Phillips EJ, Agmon-Levin N, Golden DBK, Shaker M. An Update in COVID-19 Vaccine Reactions in 2023: Progress and Understanding JOURNAL OF ALLERGY AND CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY. IN PRACTICE LINK
Bluvshtein V, Catz A, Gelernter I, Kfir A, Front L, Michaeli D, Bizzarini E, Margalho P, Soeira TP, Kesiktas N, Aidinoff E. The net contribution of rehabilitation to improvement in performance in patients with spinal cord lesions in five countries JOURNAL OF SPINAL CORD MEDICINE LINK
Brill J, Zacay G, Raviv G, Tsamir J, Heymann AD. Continuity of care after attempted suicide: the primary care physicians' role FAMILY PRACTICE LINK
Bujanda L, Nyssen OP, Ramos J, Bordin DS, Tepes B, Perez-Aisa A, Pavoni M, Castro-Fernandez M, Lerang F, Leja M, Rodrigo L, Rokkas T, Kupcinskas J, Jonaitis L, Shvets O, Gasbarrini A, Simsek H, Phull PS, Buzás GM, Machado JC, Boltin D, Boyanova L, Tonkić A, Marlicz W, Venerito M, Vologzanina L, Fadieienko GD, Fiorini G, Resina E, Muñoz R, Cano-Català A, Puig I, García-Morales N, Hernández L, Moreira L, Megraud F, Morain CO, Montes M, Gisbert JP; Hp-EuReg investigators; Hp-EuReg investigators. Effectiveness of Helicobacter pylori treatments according to antibiotic resistance AMERICAN JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY LINK
Buonocunto N, Cinquini C, Mijiritsky E, Tagger-Green N, Porreca A, Di Nicola M, Iezzi G, Barone A. Effect of alveolar ridge preservation on peri-implant mucositis and peri-implantitis prevalence: A multicenter, cross-sectional study CLINICAL IMPLANT DENTISTRY AND RELATED RESEARCH LINK
Buskmiller C, Fishel Bartal M, Bonilla M, Denham C, Nguyen R, Sibai B, Pedroza C, Hernandez-Andrade E. First trimester anatomy ultrasound for patients with obesity: a randomized controlled trial American journal of obstetrics & gynecology MFM LINK
Carmel Neiderman NN, Shapira S, Klein L, Rafael D, Gorelik G, Kampel L, Arber N, Muhanna N. CD24 in Head and Neck Malignancies-An Uprising Biomarker? Journal of personalized medicine LINK
Carter D, Albshesh A, Shimon C, Segal B, Yershov A, Kopylov U, Meyers A, Brzezinski RY, Ben Horin S, Hoffer O. Automatized Detection of Crohn's Disease in Intestinal Ultrasound Using Convolutional Neural Network INFLAMMATORY BOWEL DISEASES LINK
Chandran AEJ, Finkler A, Hait TA, Kiere Y, David S, Pasmanik-Chor M, Shkolnik D. Calcium regulation of the Arabidopsis Na+/K+ transporter HKT1; 1 improves seed germination under salt stress PLANT PHYSIOLOGY LINK
Chatzikonstantinou T, Scarfò L, Karakatsoulis G, Minga E, Chamou D, Iacoboni G, Kotaskova J, Demosthenous C, Smolej L, Mulligan S, Alcoceba M, Al-Shemari S, Aurran-Schleinitz T, Bacchiarri F, Bellido M, Bijou F, Calleja A, Medina A, Khan MA, Cassin R, Chatzileontiadou S, Collado R, Christian A, Davis Z, Dimou M, Donaldson D, Santos GD, Dreta B, Efstathopoulou M, El-Ashwah S, Enrico A, Fresa A, Galimberti S, Galitzia A, García-Serra R, Gimeno E, González-Gascón-Y-Marín I, Gozzetti A, Guarente V, Guieze R, Gogia A, Gupta R, Harrop S, Hatzimichael E, Herishanu Y, Hernández-Rivas JÁ, Inchiappa L, Jaksic O, Janssen S, Kalicińska E, Kamel L, Karakus V, Kater AP, Kho B, Kislova M, Konstantinou E, Koren-Michowitz M, Kotsianidis I, Kreitman RJ, Labrador J, Lad D, Levin MD, Levy I, Longval T, Lopez-Garcia A, Marquet J, Martin-Rodríguez L, Maynadié M, Maslejova S, Mayor-Bastida C, Mihaljevic B, Milosevic I, Miras F, Moia R, Morawska M, Murru R, Nath UK, Navarro-Bailón A, Oliveira AC, Olivieri J, Oscier D, Panovska-Stavridis I, Papaioannou M, Papajík T, Kubova Z, Phumphukhieo P, Pierie C, Puiggros A, Rani L, Reda G, Rigolin GM, Ruchlemer R, Daniel de Deus Santos M, Schipani M, Schiwitza A, Shen Y, Simkovic M, Smirnova S, Abdelrahman Soliman DS, Spacek M, et al. Other malignancies in the history of CLL: an international multicenter study conducted by ERIC, the European Research Initiative on CLL, in HARMONY EClinicalMedicine LINK
Chen J, Tsur AM, Nadler R, Beit Ner E, Sorkin A, Radomislensky I, Peleg K, Ben Avi R, Shushan G, Glassberg E, Benov A. Ten-year reduction in thoracic injury-related mortality among Israel Defense Forces soldiers BMJ military health LINK
Cheong AJY, Wang SKX, Woon CY, Yap KH, Ng KJY, Xu FWX, Alkan U, Ng ACW, See A, Loh SRH, Aung T, Toh ST. Obstructive sleep apnoea and glaucoma: a systematic review and meta-analysis EYE LINK
Chertin L, Lask A, Shumaker A, Zisman A, Neheman A. Repositioning of Ureteropelvic Junction in Robot-assisted Laparoscopic Pyeloplasty UROLOGY LINK
Chowers G, Abebe-Campino G, Golan H, Vivante A, Greenberger S, Soudack M, Barkai G, Fox-Fisher I, Li D, March M, Battig MR, Hakonarson H, Adams D, Dori Y, Dagan A. Insights Image for "Treatment of severe Kaposiform Lymphangiomatosis positive for NRAS mutation by MEK-inhibition" PEDIATRIC RESEARCH LINK
Chowers G, Abebe-Campino G, Golan H, Vivante A, Greenberger S, Soudack M, Barkai G, Fox-Fisher I, Li D, March M, Battig MR, Hakonarson H, Adams D, Dori Y, Dagan A. Treatment of severe Kaposiform lymphangiomatosis positive for NRAS mutation by MEK inhibition PEDIATRIC RESEARCH LINK
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Cicinelli MV, Gerosolima C, Scandale P, Touhami S, Pohlmann D, Giocanti A, Rosenblatt A, Loewenstein A, Bandello F, Miserocchi E; International Retina Panel. Clinical and imaging biomarkers of response to intravitreal dexamethasone implant in eyes with non-infectious uveitic macular oedema EYE LINK
Cohen E, Tone SO, Mimouni M, Stein R, Chan CC, Chew HF, Rabinovitch T, Rootman DS, Slomovic AR, Hatch W, Singal N. Comparison of long-term outcomes of simultaneous accelerated corneal cross-linking combined with intracorneal ring segment or topography-guided photorefractive keratectomy JOURNAL OF CATARACT AND REFRACTIVE SURGERY LINK
Cohen G, Kovo M, Biron-Shental T, Markovitch O, Daykan Y, Schreiber H. Risk factors for retained placenta in a first pregnancy-A clinical trial INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GYNECOLOGY & OBSTETRICS LINK
Cohen I, Kraus M, Greenberg G, Hoffmann C, Shrot S. Effect of General Anesthesia on MR Optic Nerve Sheath Diameter in the Pediatric Population JOURNAL OF MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING LINK
Cohen I, Raskin D, Barash Y, Silverberg D, Halak M, Khaitovich B. Performance of BeBack Crossing Catheter in Chronic Total Occlusion in Patients With Chronic Limb-Threatening Ischemia: A Single-Center Experience Journal of endovascular therapy : an official journal of the International Society of Endovascular Specialists. LINK
Cohen IJ. Folinic Acid Over: Rescue of Intermediate Dose Methotrexate CLINICAL LYMPHOMA, MYELOMA & LEUKEMIA LINK
Cohen M, Quintner J, Weisman A. "Nociplastic Pain": A Challenge to Nosology and to Nociception JOURNAL OF PAIN LINK
Cohen N, Mundhe D, Deasy SK, Adler O, Ershaid N, Shami T, Levi-Galibov O, Wassermann R, Scherz-Shouval R, Erez N. Breast Cancer-Secreted Factors Promote Lung Metastasis by Signaling Systemically to Induce a Fibrotic Premetastatic Niche CANCER RESEARCH LINK
Cohen O, Barg AA, Nowak-Göttl U, Amado-Fernández C, Mazzolai L, Tiberio G, Schellong S, Skride A, Morales MDV, Monreal M, Kenet G; RIETE Investigators. Venous thromboembolism characteristics, treatment and outcomes in young adults: findings from the Registro Informatizado de Enfermedad TromboEmbólica registry JOURNAL OF THROMBOSIS AND HAEMOSTASIS LINK
Cohen SB, Bookstein Peretz S, Hakim S, Orvieto R, Burke YZ. Hysteroscopicmetroplasty as a treatment option for women with congenital dysmorphic uterus suffering from impaired reproductive performance HUMAN FERTILITY LINK
Cruz PD, Rylaarsdam S, Torgerson TR, Hagin D, Allenspach EJ. Somatic Genetic Reversion of a Duplication Event in IL2RG in Siblings JOURNAL OF CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY LINK
Dabaja-Younis HK, Schechner V, Firan I, Khamaysi I, Levi GD, Lurie-Weinberger MN, Weissman A, Guriel Y, Geffen Y, Hussein K. Identification and control of two outbreaks of unrelated New Delhi metallo-β-lactamase-producing carbapenem-resistant Escherichia coli traced to the same endoscope defect INFECTION CONTROL AND HOSPITAL EPIDEMIOLOGY LINK
Dabbah S, Ben Yakov G, Kaufmann MI, Cohen-Ezra O, Likhter M, Davidov Y, Ben Ari Z. Predictors of advanced liver fibrosis and the performance of fibrosis scores: lean compared to non-lean metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease (MASLD) patients Minerva gastroenterology LINK
Dadon Z, Orlev A, Butnaru A, Rosenmann D, Glikson M, Gottlieb S, Alpert EA. Empowering Medical Students: Harnessing Artificial Intelligence for Precision Point-of-Care Echocardiography Assessment of Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PRACTICE LINK
Dadon Z, Steinmetz Y, Levi N, Orlev A, Belman D, Butnaru A, Carasso S, Glikson M, Alpert EA, Gottlieb S. Artificial Intelligence-Powered Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction Analysis Using the LVivoEF Tool for COVID-19 Patients JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE LINK
Dalgas U, Riemenschneider M, Gold SM, Kalron A, Beckerman H, de Groot V, Dennett R, Edwards T, Pilutti LA, Freeman J. The MoXFo initiative - study design: Considerations related to study design and methodology in exercise research for people with multiple sclerosis Multiple sclerosis (Houndmills, Basingstoke, England) LINK
Dana E, Tran C, Osokin E, Westwood D, Moayedi M, Sabhaya P, Khan JS. Peripheral magnetic stimulation for chronic peripheral neuropathic pain: A systematic review and meta-analysis PAIN PRACTICE LINK
Danial-Farran N, Khlaila M, Avraham-Kelbert M, Chazan B, Khayat M, Winder A, Shalev S, Bisharat N. Genetic variant in complement receptor 1 (CR1, CD35) is associated with a cluster of severe fatal COVID-19 in a family JOURNAL OF INFECTION LINK
Danieli-Gruber S, Levy H, Gomez R, Houri O, Geron Y, Hadar E. Optimizing the timing of antenatal corticosteroid administration prior to anticipated preterm birth: A retrospective cohort study INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GYNECOLOGY & OBSTETRICS LINK
Daniels AB, Tirosh A, Huntoon K, Mehta GU, Spiess PE, Friedman DL, Waguespack SG, Kilkelly JE, Rednam S, Pruthi S, Jonasch EA, Baum L, Chahoud J; International VHL Surveillance Guidelines Consortium. Guidelines for surveillance of patients with von Hippel-Lindau disease: Consensus statement of the International VHL Surveillance Guidelines Consortium and VHL Alliance CANCER LINK
Davidov B, Ohayon A, Trivizki O, Schwartz S, Shulman S. Postintravitreal Injection Endophthalmitis: Incidence, Characteristics, Management, and Outcome JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMOLOGY LINK
Davidy T, Yore I, Cukierman-Yaffe T, Ravona-Springer R, Livny A, Lesman-Segev OH, Azuri Y, Carmichael O, Kapogiannis D, Zetterberg H, Lin H, Sano M, Beeri MS. A feasibility study of the combination of intranasal insulin with oral semaglutide for cognition in older adults with metabolic syndrome at high dementia risk- Study rationale and design MECHANISMS OF AGEING AND DEVELOPMENT LINK
Dayagi TW, Nirel R, Avrahami G, Amar S, Elitzur S, Fisher S, Gilead G, Gilad O, Goldberg T, Izraeli S, Kadmon G, Kaplan E, Krauss A, Michaeli O, Stein J, Steinberg-Shemer O, Tamary H, Tausky O, Toledano H, Weissbach A, Yacobovich J, Yanir AD, Zon J, Nahum E, Barzilai-Birenboim S. A Need for a Novel Survival Risk Scoring System for Intensive Care Admissions Due to Sepsis in Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Patients JOURNAL OF INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE LINK
Dayan D, Abu-Abeid A. Huge Diaphragmatic Hernia Following Revisional One Anastomosis Gastric Bypass OBESITY SURGERY LINK
Daykan Y, Farinha R, Schraffordt SE, Mottrie A, O'Reilly BA. A cost-effective model for training in Robot-Assisted Sacrocolpopexy INTERNATIONAL UROGYNECOLOGY JOURNAL LINK
Daykan Y, Rotem R, Galvin D, O'Sullivan OE, O'Reilly BA. Maintaining the apex: a novel technique for vault suspension during vaginal hysterectomy INTERNATIONAL UROGYNECOLOGY JOURNAL LINK
Daykan Y, Rotem R, O'Reilly BA. Robot-assisted laparoscopic pelvic floor surgery: Review Best practice & research. Clinical obstetrics & gynaecology LINK
de Lourdes Rabelo Guimarães M, de Azevedo PG, Souza RP, Gomes-Fernandes B, Friedman E, De Marco L, Bastos-Rodrigues L. Evaluation of clinical and genetic factors in obstructive sleep apnoea Acta otorhinolaryngologica Italica LINK
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Hahn RT, Lawlor MK, Davidson CJ, Badhwar V, Sannino A, Spitzer E, Lurz P, Lindman BR, Topilsky Y, Baron SJ, Chadderdon S, Khalique OK, Tang GHL, Taramasso M, Grayburn PA, Badano L, Leipsic J, Lindenfeld J, Windecker S, Vemulapalli S, Redfors B, Alu MC, Cohen DJ, Rodés-Cabau J, Ailawadi G, Mack M, Ben-Yehuda O, Leon MB, Hausleiter J; TVARC Steering Committee. Tricuspid Valve Academic Research Consortium Definitions for Tricuspid Regurgitation and Trial Endpoints ANNALS OF THORACIC SURGERY LINK
Hahn RT, Lawlor MK, Davidson CJ, Badhwar V, Sannino A, Spitzer E, Lurz P, Lindman BR, Topilsky Y, Baron SJ, Chadderdon S, Khalique OK, Tang GHL, Taramasso M, Grayburn PA, Badano L, Leipsic J, Lindenfeld J, Windecker S, Vemulapalli S, Redfors B, Alu MC, Cohen DJ, Rodés-Cabau J, Ailawadi G, Mack M, Ben-Yehuda O, Leon MB, Hausleiter J. Tricuspid Valve Academic Research Consortium Definitions for Tricuspid Regurgitation and Trial Endpoints EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL LINK
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Hochberg A, Badeghiesh A, Baghlaf H, Tseva AT, Dahan MH. The effect of socioeconomic status on adverse obstetric and perinatal outcomes in women with polycystic ovary syndrome-An evaluation of a population database INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GYNECOLOGY & OBSTETRICS LINK
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Hochberg A, Pare A, Badeghiesh AM, Baghlaf HA, Dahan MH. Pregnancy, delivery and neonatal outcomes among women with hypoparathyroidism-A population-based study CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY LINK
Hod M, Divakar H, Kihara AB, Geary M. The femtech revolution-A new approach to pregnancy management: Digital transformation of maternity care-The hybrid e-health perinatal clinic addressing the unmet needs of low- and middle-income countries INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GYNECOLOGY & OBSTETRICS LINK
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Jacobson ME, Thomas KS, Apfelbacher CJ, Leshem YA, Williams HC, Gerbens LAA, Spuls PI, Schmitt J, Howells L, Katoh N, Simpson EL; Harmonising Outcome Measures for Eczema (HOME) Initiative. Implementation of the HOME core outcome set for clinical trials of atopic eczema-barriers and opportunities: the HOME IX meeting report ARCHIVES OF DERMATOLOGICAL RESEARCH LINK
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Jonaitis P, Nyssen OP, Saracino IM, Fiorini G, Vaira D, Pérez-Aísa Á, Tepes B, Castro-Fernandez M, Pabón-Carrasco M, Keco-Huerga A, Voynovan I, Lucendo AJ, Lanas Á, Martínez-Domínguez SJ, Almajano EA, Rodrigo L, Vologzanina L, Brglez Jurecic N, Denkovski M, Bujanda L, Mahmudov U, Leja M, Lerang F, Babayeva G, Bordin DS, Gasbarrini A, Kupcinskas J, Gridnyev O, Rokkas T, Marcos-Pinto R, Phull PS, Smith SM, Tonkić A, Boltin D, Buzás GM, Šembera Š, Şimşek H, Matysiak-Budnik T, Milivojevic V, Marlicz W, Venerito M, Boyanova L, Doulberis M, Capelle LG, Cano-Català A, Moreira L, Mégraud F, O'Morain C, Gisbert JP, Jonaitis L; Hp-EuReg investigators. Author Correction: Comparison of the management of Helicobacter pylori infection between the older and younger European populations SCIENTIFIC REPORTS LINK
Jonaitis P, Nyssen OP, Saracino IM, Fiorini G, Vaira D, Pérez-Aísa Á, Tepes B, Castro-Fernandez M, Pabón-Carrasco M, Keco-Huerga A, Voynovan I, Lucendo AJ, Lanas Á, Martínez-Domínguez SJ, Almajano EA, Rodrigo L, Vologzanina L, Brglez Jurecic N, Denkovski M, Bujanda L, Mahmudov U, Leja M, Lerang F, Babayeva G, Bordin DS, Gasbarrini A, Kupcinskas J, Gridnyev O, Rokkas T, Marcos-Pinto R, Phull PS, Smith SM, Tonkić A, Boltin D, Buzás GM, Šembera Š, Şimşek H, Matysiak-Budnik T, Milivojevic V, Marlicz W, Venerito M, Boyanova L, Doulberis M, Capelle LG, Cano-Català A, Moreira L, Mégraud F, O'Morain C, Gisbert JP, Jonaitis L; Hp-EuReg investigators. Comparison of the management of Helicobacter pylori infection between the older and younger European populations SCIENTIFIC REPORTS LINK
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Vollstedt EJ, Madoev H, Aasly A, Ahmad-Annuar A, Al-Mubarak B, Alcalay RN, Alvarez V, Amorin I, Annesi G, Arkadir D, Bardien S, Barker RA, Barkhuizen M, Basak AN, Bonifati V, Boon A, Brighina L, Brockmann K, Carmine Belin A, Carr J, Clarimon J, Cornejo-Olivas M, Correia Guedes L, Corvol JC, Crosiers D, Damásio J, Das P, de Carvalho Aguiar P, De Rosa A, Dorszewska J, Ertan S, Ferese R, Ferreira J, Gatto E, Genç G, Giladi N, Gómez-Garre P, Hanagasi H, Hattori N, Hentati F, Hoffman-Zacharska D, Illarioshkin SN, Jankovic J, Jesús S, Kaasinen V, Kievit A, Klivenyi P, Kostic V, Koziorowski D, Kühn AA, Lang AE, Lim SY, Lin CH, Lohmann K, Markovic V, Martikainen MH, Mellick G, Merello M, Milanowski L, Mir P, Öztop-Çakmak Ö, Pimentel MMG, Pulkes T, Puschmann A, Rogaeva E, Sammler EM, Skaalum Petersen M, Skorvanek M, Spitz M, Suchowersky O, Tan AH, Termsarasab P, Thaler A, Tumas V, Valente EM, van de Warrenburg B, Williams-Gray CH, Wu RM, Zhang B, Zimprich A, Solle J, Padmanabhan S, Klein C. Establishing an online resource to facilitate global collaboration and inclusion of underrepresented populations: Experience from the MJFF Global Genetic Parkinson's Disease Project PLOS ONE LINK
Volodarsky-Perel A, Merlot B, Denost Q, Dennis T, Chanavaz-Lacheray I, Roman H. Robotic-assisted versus conventional laparoscopic approach in patients with large rectal endometriotic nodule: the evaluation of safety and complications COLORECTAL DISEASE LINK
Warshavsky K, Zeeli T, Mekiten O, Sprecher E, Silverman BG, Barzilai A, Baum S. Coexistence of malignancies in pemphigus vulgaris IMMUNOLOGIC RESEARCH LINK
Watted N, Lone IM, Zohud O, Midlej K, Proff P, Iraqi FA. Comprehensive Deciphering the Complexity of the Deep Bite: Insight from Animal Model to Human Subjects Journal of personalized medicine LINK
Weiss SA, Fried I, Engel J Jr, Bragin A, Wang S, Sperling MR, Wong RKS, Nir Y, Staba RJ. Pathological neurons generate ripples at the UP-DOWN transition disrupting information transfer EPILEPSIA LINK
Weitzner O, Barrett J, Murphy KE, Kingdom J, Aviram A, Mei-Dan E, Hiersch L, Ryan G, Van Mieghem T, Abbasi N, Fox NS, Rebarber A, Berghella V, Melamed N. National and international guidelines on the management of twin pregnancies: a comparative review AMERICAN JOURNAL OF OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY LINK
Wertheimer A, Sapir O, Ben Meir A, Har-Vardi I, Hochberg A, Ben-Haroush A, Garor R, Margalit T, Schohat T, Shufaro Y. Is there a relationship between morphokinetic parameters and neonatal sex in fresh embryo transfers? HUMAN FERTILITY LINK
Wilf-Miron R, Myers V, Saban M, Novikov I, Kimron L, Ziv A, Kalter-Leibovici O. Inequalities in end-stage renal disease: underprivileged and ethnic minority members are at higher risk International journal of epidemiology LINK
Wilf-Yarkoni A, Feldmann K, Rubarth K, Dorsch EM, Rust R, Urman I, Hellmann MA, Friedman Y, Lotan I, Bialer O, Buenrostro GS, Zimmermann HG, Leutloff C, Schmitz-Hübsch T, Paul F, Asseyer S, Stiebel-Kalish H. Effectiveness of oral prednisone tapering following intravenous methylprednisolone for acute optic neuritis in multiple sclerosis PLOS ONE LINK
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Wolfson Y, Mandelberg A, Golan-Lagziel T, Sosnovsky S, Ater D, Domany KA. The role of bronchial challenge test in guiding therapy in preschool children with atypical recurrent respiratory symptoms PEDIATRIC PULMONOLOGY LINK
Worker A, Berthert P, Lawrence AJ, Kia SM, Arango C, Dinga R, Galderisi S, Glenthøj B, Kahn RS, Leslie A, Murray RM, Pariante CM, Pantelis C, Weiser M, Winter-van Rossum I, McGuire P, Dazzan P, Marquand AF. Extreme deviations from the normative model reveal cortical heterogeneity and associations with negative symptom severity in first-episode psychosis from the OPTiMiSE and GAP studies TRANSLATIONAL PSYCHIATRY LINK
Yagel O, Belhassen B, Planer D, Amir O, Elbaz-Greener G. The QRS frontal plane axis changes during left bundle branch block after transcatheter aortic valve replacement PACE-PACING AND CLINICAL ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY LINK
Yamin D, Yechezkel M, Arbel R, Beckenstein T, Sergienko R, Duskin-Bitan H, Yaron S, Peretz A, Netzer D, Shmueli E. Safety of monovalent and bivalent BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine boosters in at-risk populations in Israel: a large-scale, retrospective, self-controlled case series study LANCET INFECTIOUS DISEASES LINK
Yasmin M, Nutman A, Wang L, Marshall S, Chen K, Wang J, Yahav D, Lupinsky L, Hujer AM, Bhimraj A, van Duin D, Li J, Bonomo RA. Utilizing Ceftazidime/Avibactam Therapeutic Drug Monitoring in the Treatment of Neurosurgical Meningitis Caused by Difficult-to-Treat Resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa and KPC-Producing Enterobacterales Open Forum Infectious Diseases LINK
Yavuz BR, Arici MK, Demirel HC, Tsai CJ, Jang H, Nussinov R, Tuncbag N. Neurodevelopmental disorders and cancer networks share pathways, but differ in mechanisms, signaling strength, and outcome NPJ genomic medicine LINK
Yehuda B, Rabinowich A, Link-Sourani D, Avisdris N, Ben-Zvi O, Specktor-Fadida B, Joskowicz L, Ben-Sira L, Miller E, Ben Bashat D. Automatic Quantification of Normal Brain Gyrification Patterns and Changes in Fetuses with Polymicrogyria and Lissencephaly Based on MRI AMERICAN JOURNAL OF NEURORADIOLOGY LINK
Yofe I, Shami T, Cohen N, Landsberger T, Sheban F, Stoler-Barak L, Yalin A, Phan TS, Li B, Monteran L, Scharff Y, Giladi A, Elbaz M, David E, Gurevich-Shapiro A, Gur C, Shulman Z, Erez N, Amit I. Spatial and Temporal Mapping of Breast Cancer Lung Metastases Identify TREM2 Macrophages as Regulators of the Metastatic Boundary Cancer discovery LINK
Youngster M, Luz A, Baum M, Hourvitz R, Reuvenny S, Maman E, Hourvitz A. Artificial intelligence in the service of intrauterine insemination and timed intercourse in spontaneous cycles FERTILITY AND STERILITY LINK
Yuda J, Will C, Phillips DC, Abraham L, Alvey C, Avigdor A, Buck W, Besenhofer L, Boghaert E, Cheng D, Cojocari D, Doyle K, Hansen TM, Huang K, Johnson EF, Judd AS, Judge RA, Kalvass JC, Kunzer A, Lam LT, Li R, Martin RL, Mastracchio A, Mitten M, Petrich A, Wang J, Ward JE, Zhang H, Wang X, Wolff JE, Bell-McGuinn KM, Souers AJ. Selective MCL-1 inhibitor ABBV-467 is efficacious in tumor models but is associated with cardiac troponin increases in patients Communications medicine. LINK
Zabida A, Zahavi G, Bartoszko J, Otálora-Esteban M, Weinstein J, Frogel J, Miller L, Sivan E, Orkin D, Dolgoker I, Berkenstadt H. Improving blood product management in placenta accreta patients with severe bleeding: institutional experience INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OBSTETRIC ANESTHESIA LINK
Zadik L, Perlman S, Barak O, Ziv-Baran T. Evaluation of Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) Administered via Videoconference JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL DIRECTORS ASSOCIATION LINK
Zahavi A, Weinberger Y, Geffen N, Gabbay I, Mimouni M, Gal-Or O, Stiebel-Kalish H, Gaton DD. Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography for the Differentiation of Glaucoma from Pituitary Macroadenoma Related Optic Disc Measurements SEMINARS IN OPHTHALMOLOGY LINK
Zahavi L, Lavon A, Reicher L, Shoer S, Godneva A, Leviatan S, Rein M, Weissbrod O, Weinberger A, Segal E. Bacterial SNPs in the human gut microbiome associate with host BMI NATURE MEDICINE LINK
Zalcman J, Pasternak Y, Kenan D, Dotan M, Gueta I, Kadmon G, Peled O, Bilavsky-Yarden H. Safety of Cidofovir Treatment for Suspected or Confirmed Adenovirus Infection in Immunocompetent Pediatric Population PEDIATRIC INFECTIOUS DISEASE JOURNAL LINK
Zargari I, Adar A, Morag I, Pinhas-Hamiel O, Eyal O, Keidar R, Loewenthal N, Levy M, Dally-Gottfried O, Landau Z, Levy-Khademi F, Eventov-Friedman S, Zangen D, Youngster I, Rachmiel M. Correction to: Early exposures and inherent factors in premature newborns are associated with type 1 diabetes PEDIATRIC RESEARCH LINK
Zargari I, Adar A, Morag I, Pinhas-Hamiel O, Eyal O, Keidar R, Loewenthal N, Levy M, Dally-Gottfried O, Landau Z, Levy-Khademi F, Eventov-Friedman S, Zangen D, Youngster I, Rachmiel M. Early exposures and inherent factors in premature newborns are associated with type 1 diabetes PEDIATRIC RESEARCH LINK
Žarković M, Attanasio R, Nagy EV, Negro R, Papini E, Perros P, Cohen CA, Akarsu E, Alevizaki M, Ayvaz G, Bednarczuk T, Berta E, Bodor M, Borissova AM, Boyanov M, Buffet C, Burlacu MC, Ćirić J, Díez JJ, Dobnig H, Fadeyev V, Field BCT, Fliers E, Frølich JS, Führer D, Galofré JC, Hakala T, Jiskra J, Kopp P, Krebs M, Kršek M, Kužma M, Lantz M, Lazúrová I, Leenhardt L, Luchytskiy V, McGowan A, Melo M, Metso S, Moran C, Morgunova T, Mykola T, Beleslin BN, Niculescu DA, Perić B, Planck T, Poiana C, Puga FM, Robenshtok E, Rosselet P, Ruchala M, Riis KR, Shepelkevich A, Unuane D, Vardarli I, Visser WE, Vrionidou A, Younes YR, Yurenya E, Hegedüs L. Characteristics of specialists treating hypothyroid patients: the "THESIS" collaborative FRONTIERS IN ENDOCRINOLOGY LINK
Zaslavsky A, Solomon D, Varon D, Israeli T, Amlinsky Y, Tamir S, Kashtan H. Incidence and Impact of Preoperative Hiatal Hernia in Patients with Esophageal Carcinoma Undergoing Curative Surgical Resection JOURNAL OF GASTROINTESTINAL SURGERY LINK
Zavdy O, Nakache G, Alkan U, Hazan A, Reifen E, Ritter A. Prophylactic antibiotics in septoplasty with intranasal septal splints: A comparative analysis CLINICAL OTOLARYNGOLOGY LINK
Zhu CK, Nguyen A, Prosty C, Gabrielli S, Mulé P, Netchiporouk E, Le M, Zhang X, Shand G, Baum S, Hakroush R, Greenberger S, Ollech A, Miedzybrodzki B, Ben-Shoshan M. Safety of COVID-19 mRNA vaccination and effects of SARS-CoV-2 infection in children and adults with mast cell disorders Clinical and experimental medicine. LINK
Zhu W, Tian T, Yehezkel O, Wygnanski-Jaffe T, Moshkovitz A, Lin J, Hu C, Liu R. A Prospective Trial to Assess the Efficacy of Eye-Tracking-Based Binocular Treatment versus Patching for Children's Amblyopia: A Pilot Study SEMINARS IN OPHTHALMOLOGY LINK
Zhu YP, Speir M, Tan Z, Lee JC, Nowell CJ, Chen AA, Amatullah H, Salinger AJ, Huang CJ, Wu G, Peng W, Askari K, Griffis E, Ghassemian M, Santini J, Gerlic M, Kiosses WB, Catz SD, Hoffman HM, Greco KF, Weller E, Thompson PR, Wong LP, Sadreyev R, Jeffrey KL, Croker BA. NET formation is a default epigenetic program controlled by PAD4 in apoptotic neutrophils SCIENCE ADVANCES LINK
Zilli T, Jorcano S, Bral S, Symon Z, Rubio C, Bruynzeel AME, Ibrahimov R, Minn H, Oliveira A, Bertaut A, Constantin G, Miralbell R. Every-Other-Day Versus Once-a-Week Urethra-Sparing Prostate Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy: 5-Year Results of a Randomized Phase 2 Trial INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RADIATION ONCOLOGY BIOLOGY PHYSICS LINK
Zinger CH, Ringel Y, Eitan M, Openhaim M, Kayless H, Stein A, Rudnicki Y, Naftali T. Upadacitinib for Acute Severe Ulcerative Colitis INFLAMMATORY BOWEL DISEASES LINK
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Zohud O, Lone IM, Nashef A, Iraqi FA. Towards system genetics analysis of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma using the mouse model, cellular platform, and clinical human data Animal models and experimental medicine LINK
Zopfs M, Jindrová M, Gurevitch G, Keynan JN, Hendler T, Baumeister S, Aggensteiner PM, Cornelisse S, Brandeis D, Schmahl C, Paret C. Amygdala-related electrical fingerprint is modulated with neurofeedback training and correlates with deep-brain activation: proof-of-concept in borderline personality disorder PSYCHOLOGICAL MEDICINE LINK
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רבעון יולי - ספטמבר 2023

Authors Title Journal Link
Abookasis D, Shemesh D, Litwin A, Siegelmann HT, Didkovsky E, Ad-El DD. Single probe light reflectance spectroscopy and parameter spectrum feature extraction in experimental skin cancer detection and classification JOURNAL OF BIOPHOTONICS LINK
Aboukaoud M, Wilf-Yarkoni A, Maor E. Investigation of cardiac arrhythmia events in patients treated with lamotrigine: FDA adverse event reporing system analysis EPILEPSIA LINK
Abraham A, Fainmesser Y, Drory VE, Bril V. Quantitative sonographic assessment of muscle thickness and fasciculations distribution is a sensitive tool for neuromuscular disorders PLOS ONE LINK
Abu Hanna F, Atia O, Yerushalmy Feler A, Shouval D, Weiss B, Mresat H, Magen-Rimon R, Zifman E, Turner D, Rinawi F. Thiopurines Maintenance Therapy in Children With Ulcerative Colitis: A Multicenter Retrospective Study JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC GASTROENTEROLOGY AND NUTRITION LINK
Abu Shtaya A, Sukenik-Halevy R, Bazak L, Lidzbarsky GA, Gonzaga-Jauregui C, Lagovsky I, Goldberg Y, Basel-Salmon L. Possible biallelic inheritance in TIE1 in a family with congenital lymphedema, intestinal lymphangiectasia and cutis aplasia CLINICAL GENETICS LINK
Abu-Abeid A, Bendayan A, Tome J, Lessing Y, Eldar SM, Keidar A, Dayan D. Long Term Effects of Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery on Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension OBESITY SURGERY LINK
Abu-Freha N, Cohen B, Gordon M, Weissmann S, Kestenbaum EH, Vosko S, Abu-Tailakh M, Ben-Shoshan L, Cohen DL, Shirin H. Colorectal cancer among inflammatory bowel disease patients: risk factors and prevalence compared to the general population Frontiers in Medicine LINK
Abu-Leil S, Weisman A, Peled N, Kasem H, Dar G, Masharawi Y. Lumbosacral zone features in individuals with nonspecific chronic low back pain are unique compared to controls and correlate with pain and dysfunction EUROPEAN RADIOLOGY LINK
Adler Y, Ristić AD, Imazio M, Brucato A, Pankuweit S, Burazor I, Seferović PM, Oh JK. Cardiac tamponade Nature Reviews Disease Primers LINK
Agay N, Dankner R, Murad H, Olmer L, Freedman LS. Reverse causation biases weighted cumulative exposure model estimates, but can be investigated in sensitivity analyses JOURNAL OF CLINICAL EPIDEMIOLOGY LINK
Aharon-Hananel G, Dori-Dayan N, Zemet R, Bakal L, Jabarin A, Levi K, Hemi R, Barhod E, Kordi-Patimer O, Mazaki-Tovi S, Cukierman-Yaffe T, Yoeli-Ullman R. The relationship between neonatal hypoglycaemia and cord blood C-peptide levels in neonates of birthing individuals with type 1 diabetes DIABETES-METABOLISM RESEARCH AND REVIEWS LINK
Ahearn B, Mueller C, Boden S, Mignemi D, Tenenbaum S, Bariteau J. Republication of "Assessment of Recovery From Geriatric Ankle Fracture Using the Life Space Mobility Assessment (LSA): A Pilot Study" Foot & ankle orthopaedics LINK
Aktaş MK, Younis A, Saxena S, Diamond A, Ojo A, Kutyifa V, Steiner H, Steinberg JS, Zareba W, McNitt S, Polonsky B, Rosero SZ, Huang DT, Goldenberg I. Age and the Risk of Ventricular Tachyarrhythmia in Patients With an Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator JACC. Clinical electrophysiology LINK
Al-Droubi SS, Jahangir E, Kochendorfer KM, Krive M, Laufer-Perl M, Gilon D, Okwuosa TM, Gans CP, Arnold JH, Bhaskar ST, Yasin HA, Krive J. Artificial intelligence modelling to assess the risk of cardiovascular disease in oncology patients European heart journal. Digital health. LINK
Aliasi-Sinai L, Worthington T, Lange M, Kushner T. Maternal-to-Child Transmission of Hepatitis B Virus and Hepatitis Delta Virus Clinics in liver disease. LINK
Alina WB, Elias C, Eran K, Lior F, Nizan M, Gabriel L, Hila LE, Raanan M. Outcomes of cesarean delivery in placenta accreta: conservative delivery vs. cesarean hysterectomy JOURNAL OF PERINATAL MEDICINE LINK
Almog T, Keshet R, Kandel-Kfir M, Shaish A, Apte RN, Harats D, Kamari Y. Gene deletion of Interleukin-1α reduces ER stress-induced CHOP expression in macrophages and attenuates the progression of atherosclerosis in apoE-deficient mice CYTOKINE LINK
Alnsasra H, Tsaban G, Solomon A, Khalil F, Aboalhasan E, Azab AN, Azuri J, Hammerman A, Arbel R. Dapagliflozin versus empagliflozin in patients with chronic kidney disease FRONTIERS IN PHARMACOLOGY LINK
Amiel A, Na'amnih W, Tarabeih M. Prenatal Diagnosis and Pregnancy Termination in Jewish and Muslim Women with a Deaf Child in Israel Children LINK
Amikam U, Badeghiesh A, Baghlaf H, Brown R, Dahan MH. Pregnancy, delivery and neonatal outcomes in women with gastrointestinal system cancer in pregnancy. An evaluation of a population database JOURNAL OF PERINATAL MEDICINE LINK
Amikam U, Hochberg A, Shenhav M, Haj L, Hochberg-Klein S, Hiersch L, Yogev Y. Anti-Phospholipid Antibodies in Women with Placenta-Mediated Complications Delivered at >34 Weeks of Gestation JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE LINK
Amir J, Chodick G, Pardo J. Revised Protocol for Secondary Prevention of Congenital Cytomegalovirus Infection With Valaciclovir Following Infection in Early Pregnancy CLINICAL INFECTIOUS DISEASE LINK
Amitai I, Roos K, Rashedi I, Jiang Y, Mangoff K, Klein G, Forward N, Stewart D, Laneuville P, Bence-Bruckler I, Mangel J, Tomlinson G, Berinstein NL. PD-L1 expression predicts efficacy in the phase II SPiReL trial with MVP-S, pembrolizumab, and low-dose CPA in R/R DLBCL EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HAEMATOLOGY LINK
Amitai MM, Kanaan N, Soffer S, Alper L, Rozendorn N, Harrington DJ, Kopylov U, Lahat A, Yablecovitch D, Eliakim R, Ben-Horin S, Klang E. Jejunal Inflammation in Crohn's Disease: Comparison between Diffusion Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Video Capsule Endoscopy ISRAEL MEDICAL ASSOCIATION JOURNAL LINK
Anavi-Cohen S, Tsybina-Shimshilashvili N, Zandani G, Hovav R, Sela N, Nyska A, Madar Z. Effects of high oleic acid peanuts on mice's liver and adipose tissue metabolic parameters and gut microbiota composition Frontiers in nutrition LINK
Antiga E, Bech R, Maglie R, Genovese G, Borradori L, Bockle B, Caproni M, Caux F, Chandran NS, Corrà A, D'Amore F, Daneshpazhooh M, De D, Didona D, Dmochowski M, Drenovska K, Ehrchen J, Feliciani C, Goebeler M, Groves R, Günther C, Handa S, Hofmann SC, Horvath B, Ioannidis D, Jedlickova H, Kowalewski C, Kridin K, Joly P, Lim YL, Marinovic B, Maverakis E, Meijer J, Patsatsi A, Pincelli C, Prost C, Setterfield J, Sprecher E, Skiljevic D, Tasanen K, Uzun S, Van Beek N, Vassileva S, Vorobyev A, Vujic I, Wang G, Wang M, Wozniak K, Yayli S, Zambruno G, Hashimoto T, Schmidt E, Mascarò JM Jr, Marzano AV. Corrigendum: S2k guidelines on the management of paraneoplastic pemphigus/paraneoplastic autoimmune multiorgan syndrome initiated by the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (EADV) JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN ACADEMY OF DERMATOLOGY AND VENEREOLOGY LINK
Arav A, Li S, Friedman O, Solodeev I, Aouizerate J, Kedar D, Antonio M, Natan D, Gur E, Shani N. Long-Term Survival and Functional Recovery of Cryopreserved Vascularized Groin Flap and Below-the-Knee Rat Limb Transplants Rejuvenation research. LINK
Arbel A, Bishara H, Barnett-Griness O, Cohen S, Najjar-Debbiny R, Gronich N, Auriel E, Saliba W. Association between COVID-19 vaccination and myasthenia gravis: A population-based, nested case-control study EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY LINK
Arbel R, Peretz A, Sergienko R, Friger M, Beckenstein T, Duskin-Bitan H, Yaron S, Hammerman A, Bilenko N, Netzer D. Effectiveness of a bivalent mRNA vaccine booster dose to prevent severe COVID-19 outcomes: a retrospective cohort study LANCET INFECTIOUS DISEASES LINK
Arché-Núñez A, Krebsbach P, Levit B, Possti D, Gerston A, Knoll T, Velten T, Bar-Haim C, Oz S, Klorfeld-Auslender S, Hernandez-Sosa G, Mirelman A, Hanein Y. Bio-potential noise of dry printed electrodes: physiology versus the skin-electrode impedance Physiological measurement. LINK
Ariceta G, Beck-Nielsen SS, Boot AM, Brandi ML, Briot K, de Lucas Collantes C, Emma F, Giannini S, Haffner D, Keen R, Levtchenko E, Mӓkitie O, Mughal MZ, Nilsson O, Schnabel D, Tripto-Shkolnik L, Liu J, Williams A, Wood S, Zillikens MC. The International X-Linked Hypophosphatemia (XLH) Registry: first interim analysis of baseline demographic, genetic and clinical data Orphanet journal of rare diseases LINK
Armoza-Eilat S, Malis Y, Caspi M, Tarabe R, Shomron O, Hirschberg K, Rosin-Arbesfeld R. The C-terminal Amphipathic Helix of Carboxypeptidase E Mediates Export from the ER and Secretion via Lysosomes JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY LINK
Arow Z, Gabarin M, Abu-Hosein H, Giladi E, Hilu R, Losin I, Mishaev R, Assali A, Pereg D. Eyeball Test for the Assessment of Frailty in Elderly Patients With Cardiovascular Disease: A Prospective Study AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY LINK
Asherie N, Kfir-Erenfeld S, Avni B, Assayag M, Dubnikov T, Zalcman N, Lebel E, Zimran E, Shaulov A, Pick M, Cohen Y, Avivi I, Cohen C, Gatt ME, Grisariu S, Stepensky P. Development and manufacture of novel locally produced anti-BCMA CAR T cells for the treatment of relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma: results from a phase I clinical trial HAEMATOLOGICA LINK
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